30 Jun 2020

June Coords Roundup

Not to be confused with the upcoming Half of 2020 in Coords post! That one will talk about some wider trends in my outfits over the last 6 months, whereas here we’re doing plain ol’ whiz through everything I wore this month.


Coord 1: Casual Sailor

| Metamorphose Sailor Tiered skirt | Fi.n.t. cutsew | Tutuanna socks | Naked Lace Company barette | handmade bracelets | offbrand shoes and earrings |

That hairstyle became such a go-to for me.

Every time I think about more sailor coords, I feel the urge to buy more anchor-shaped accessories.

Ok, so technically this is still from May as I’ve worn it literally on the last day of the month. But I wasn’t going to battle Blogger again just to add this for the sake of chronology. That week we’d been having gorgeously summery weather, hot, but not too much so. It has inspired me to wear more sailor lolita, particularly once I saw the weather forecast saying it wouldn’t last long (predictably for the UK). So I quickly jumped into this for the day. I also wore that the day after because I couldn’t be bothered to think of another outfit, though I skipped the accessories or makeup there. Having recently made a comment on Instagram about my sailor ouji coord and how I’d like to genderbent twin with myself, I also put together this quick collage. It’s not an exact twin, more of an exact opposite with a common theme, but it works alright, don’t you think? Once I build my ouji wardrobe more, I will try to do more of this sort of stuff!

Be your own sibling. I have no choice, I am literally an only child.


Coord 2: Dots and Stripes

| Metamorphose Polka Dots skirt | Angelic Pretty Candy Fun Fair OTKs | Bodyline shoes | offbrand cardigan and bandana | vintage necklace | handmade choker |

Because I was really feeling these photos.

One day I will perfect these front rolls. They're alright, but I'm not 100% happy with them.

I love these socks, but AP, why can't you make a scalloped design that doesn't want to slice my leg off?

True to my word I had started to use a random number generator to pick my next main piece. I decided that it was a creative way of making choices and pushing myself out of the box with my outfits. Whether this particular one is that much out of the box is up for debate considering how I love mixing blue with red and retro styling. But I am usually not one to mix patterns quite like this. And I will say, I think this one came out really fun. The hair accessory was giving me a bit of grief until I realised that it doesn’t have to be lolita. I would like to find a hairpiece in that shade of royal blue at some point, just for a little bit of variety. . Not too bad for another day spent working and cursing every single email coming my way


Coord 3: Summer ILD

| Metamorphose Classical Sister OP | Shinku Rose Tulle Overdress | Enchantlic Enchantilly The Crown of the Rose Princess tights | Irregular Choice Total Freedom shoes | handmade (not by me) headdress | offbrand necklace and earrings |

After that was, of course, Summer ILD. I have already written about this coord separately, so here I’m merely dropping the picture so that we get everything from the month in one post.


Coord 4: Reposing

| Baroque x Sakizo Repose of Queen Teatime Dress | Innocent World Rose Lace Millefeuille bolero | Enchantlic Enchantilly The Crown of the Rose Princess tights | offbrand shoes | After Midnight half crown | offbrand flower clips | My Inspiration necklace |

God bless second day hair, because even if it's gone completely straight, at least it retains a bit of volume and movement.

Roses everywhere!

I wasn’t planning on dressing up the Sunday after ILD. However, I felt a little guilty about my very lazy morning and decided to not stay in pyjamas all day as I previously thought I would. The night before I checked which piece random number generator would pick if I were to dress up now and since it picked an OP again, I decided that that day was as good a reason as any - and that this  lolita OP was as comfortable as my Axes Femme ones. Everything else seems to have cooperated too: my hair still had a bit of volume from the up-do the day before, bar one (edited out) spot my skin looked good, the dress doesn’t need ironing… So it all fell into place. Pairing this print with wine red had been on my mind for a little bit and I like how it came out. I feel like there’s potential to make this a really dressy, OTT outfit in the future (maybe with the same up-do as my ILD one). But for now this casually elegant look satisfies me. In a nod to the print’s name, I wasn’t doing much besides reposing - although I did manage to finally finish editing one video which had been taking way too long.


Cord 5: More Dots and Stripes

| Metamorphose Polka Dots Shirring Pinafore JSK | Promised Land Creations necklace | Big Pink Boutique earrings | everything else is offbrand |

At this point I'm going to have to add this top to my wardrobe spreadsheet, aren't I?

Joelle showed me these earrings she got and I loved them so much I had to get a pair myself!

The random number generator seems to like Meta - and I seem to have gotten a thing for dots with stripes. I can’t even tell you how this outfit came about, it was so organic and such a free-flowing process of taking it one step and one item at a time. Not much that I can say beyond the fact that it was very comfortable and that I enjoy wearing this JSK as if it were a skirt.


Coord 6: The Non-Lolita One

| Button In Retro skirt | Axes Femme blouse | Fi.n.t. cardigan | Uniqlo leggings | Hush Puppies boots | Madillustration brooch | Claire’s Accessories earrings |

Truth be told, this cardigan is a little bit more scratchy than I would've liked. Hopefully this will go away after a few washes with a fabric softner because I still love it to pieces!

I think every time I've worn this skirt I also wore this brooch. More teacup accessories needed?

At this point including some non-lolita outfits that I felt were cute enough to document is a tradition for these roundup posts. The style separations within my wardrobes are disappearing more and more, so even if not directly relevant to this blog, these outfits at least provide a glimpse into how I use pieces across different fashions. That was a Friday that I expected to spend translating, as I had gotten some work my way (I sell my soul and free time for some JPY), but it ended up being far shorter than I was originally signed up for. And I went out to my favourite Polish restaurant to pick up my dinner. After my parents caused some cravings the weekend before that, I was so happy when Platzki had the very soup I was craving on their weekly click & collect offer! It would have been daft to only get soup though.

Platzki are sensible and won't reopen now, even though they could, but I still wish I could go and sit in. Once I can, I will fully go for a three course meal, even though I'd burst!


Coord 7: More Otome

| Violet Fane Charming Town skirt | Axes Femme blouse | Cutie Creator headbow | unknown necklace | offbrand socks and shoes |

I wear this blouse a lot outside of lolita, but somehow not very often with it.

True story: I first saw these socks being sold by Axes Femme and almost bought them, but the SS fees for just that weren't worth it. And then I saw that they were being sold on AliExpress for less, so I bought a pair. They're more beige than I expected them to be, but I still love them.

This is the first time that I’ve gone against the random number generator in June. Truth be told, I wasn’t going to get dressed at all that day, but the weather surprised me by turning warm and sunny, which brought some extra energy with it. The random number generator actually landed on Haenuli’s Lovely Memories JSK, but as I struggled with the zipper, I decided that it was too much effort for the miniscule gains and I switched things up for this skirt. I would like to get the zipper in that JSK replaced for a non-invisible one, which will hopefully fight me much less and make that dress easier to wear. For the rest of the day (or most of that) I wore this, no petticoat because my tiny one that this skirt can fit isn’t that comfortable and because I wasn’t doing anything major in particular. I blogged a little, changed my bedding, watched some Netflix, made iced tea… It was a much needed chilled Saturday.


Coord 8: Regal Pegasi

| Angelic Pretty Crystal Dream Carnival Tiered JSK | Sentaro blouse | Innocent World Union Flag Lame OTKs | Deary heels | Vierge Vampur bonnet | offbrand necklace | offbrand rings | Star Glazed Delights ring | Brightlele wig | Lola's Lashes falsies |

I tired to do a bit of blue on my lower eyelid, but struggled with symmetry. But hey, I'm just prancing around in front of my own camera, not taking part in BBC's Glow Up (I think season 1 may be on Netflix? Watch it if you enjoy makeup drama, but in a competition form and without people being nasty.)

At least I have some good magnetic false eyelashes now. There will be more makeup looks with lashes now that I don't have to sacrifice my laziness for the look.

Vierge Vampur were due to be a vendor/guest at the Imperial Garden event in Brussels. Hopefully they will still make it to the rescheduled one (and hopefully I will) because this bonnet is just *chef's kiss*

After that previous one my energy/willingness levels dropped for the week, as did my desire to stick with the random number generator. This particular coord was a combination of rediscovered appreciation for this dress and my wanting to wear some of the new things, namely that bonnet, as well as the false eyelashes. I finally have a wine bonnet and while at first I thought it wasn’t quite wide enough on my head, having worn it with this wig I am now ok with it not being as wide as my other bonnets. I put this on to film a video because why not, I had an idea and motivation, so it’d be a shame to waste that. Sadly, the wig cap I wore under that wig started giving me a headache towards the end of filming, so I ended up taking the whole thing off afterwards. Nonetheless, it got worn and documented not only on pictures, but also on video, so this counts.


Coord 9: All the Sweets

| Bodyline Sweet Macaron JSK | BtSSB Shirring blouse | offbrand beret | handmade headbow | Angelic Pretty Ice Cream Parlor OTKs | Bodyline tea parties | handmade bracelets | Angelic Pretty Fancy Crepe necklace | Jule et Lily Popcorn brooch | Angelic Pretty Fancy Soda ring | Twinkle Kitty Boutique ring |

I honestly love the shade of blue of this beret - as much as I hate that it matches precisely nothing else.

No two sweets in this coord are the same and that's ok. If none of the blues are, then why should I hold the sweets to a different standard?

I wasn’t really planning on getting dressed the day after. But as I approached another busy time with work, I wanted something to look forward to and thought about what coords I could wear that are comfortable and not too much. Random number generator selected this dress, though somehow it all went from saving it up for Friday’s meeting to wearing it straight away. I really wanted to wear these socks and sort of coordinate around them, although they are a bit painful to wear. Honestly, AP, why can’t you make a scalloped design that actually stretches, why are you so keen on cutting off everyone’s blood circulation? Overall I was happy enough with the look though. It’s not my favourite, the trillion shades of blue bother me, but I do like that beret with that headbow in particular. All I did was stay at home, call my parents and chill, so it’s not like my colour matching or not made any difference, and the outfit did its job of being comfortable enough to chill at home (except the socks).


Coord 10: Belated Midsummer

| After Midnight First Semester JSK | offbrand blouse, socks and shoes | Kaneko custom headdress |

Recycled braids for maximum laziness.

I paid good money for that headdress, so I will wear it whenever I feel like it. And also because it's gorgeous.

In this episode of “dressing up sort of just happened”, our protagonist decided that if warm weather agreed with midsummer that was the day before, then why the heck not dress appropriately. And that headdress did cost a fair amount of money, gotta wear it! She also still had her hair in the same two braids as in the coord before and pinning them up was an easy way to save time in the morning. Sadly, although she looked and felt cute af, work hit hard and dampened the spirit. Tune in next time to find out if there will be more compensating with cute clothes for tiring times at work!


Coord 11: Cloudy

| Lady Sloth Look at My Dreamy Sky OP | Angelic Pretty Dolly Chiffon headbow | Sosic Shop heels | Gravelvet Iridescent Princess necklace | offbrand socks |

Don't let your tired face stop you from dressing up. Let's validate and popularise being imperfect and without makeup whilst in lolita. It's just clothes after all, right?

Being my own blue sky with fluffy clouds.

In a new tradition I started during April’s round of Important Work Meetings, I have decided to lift my spirits up by dressing up during this round of Important Work Meetings. That entire last full week of June has been awfully tiring, clocking overtime from your own home is not fun, even less so during a spell of truly summery weather. I wanted to go out and enjoy the sun, not run spreadsheet after spreadsheet, inputting mark after mark for hours on end at my kitchen table. So although that Friday the weather was stormy with only hints of blue skies here and there, wearing a dress with blue skies and clouds made me feel better. And thankfully the first of the series of meetings went better than expected.


Although June may not have been bursting full of documented outfits, I am very happy with the ones that I wore. It was nice that I didn’t entirely miss the opportunities to dress up during sunny weather, as well as that I was able to wear some of the new pieces so soon after receiving them. Not being in a rush to prove a point to myself has meant less self-imposed pressure to keep dressing up. At the same time, although the change of pace and breaks were undeniably needed, there were days where I felt at a loss. If I wasn’t going to wear lolita, then what would I wear? I am not yet at a point where my vintage wardrobe could do what my imagination suggests and I’ve been feeling somewhat uninspired with the rest of my clothes. No doubts I am in need of a more thorough overhaul, though now isn’t really the time for it. So we’ll see how things go. For now I’m simply hoping that nice weather will continue and that I’ll be able to catch some of it at a less stressful time in my life, to really enjoy. As much as I agree that it is too soon for the UK to be easing lockdown further, having discovered a park near me I am very tempted to try a socially distanced picnic - or just something so that I see people who aren’t total strangers and in 3D vs on screen!

26 Jun 2020

My Current Shopping Dilemmas

At times when there isn’t much happening in our personal lives, like this one, window shopping is a common, though dangerous form of entertainment. As you may have gathered from last week’s post, I enjoy living on the edge and continue to engage in way more window shopping than is healthy or advisable. Granted, not all of this is for lolita fashion, as the bulk of this is my stalking saved searches on eBay looking for second hand bargains predominantly for my vintage wardrobe. Nonetheless, lolita fashion content remains significant and there have been a few things that have caught my eye and pulled at some heartstrings. So in an attempt to vent out some of my frustration at not being super rich, as well as to organise my thoughts on each of these, let me share with you the things that I have been pining for as of late.

Innocent World Flower Tulle OP

This is a direct result of my doing the buy-it-now, buy-it-new capsule wardrobe post. But there’s more to it than that. I have been interested in this OP ever since it was first previewed in early spring last year. My hopes were to try it on whilst in Japan in March, however, the release landed in shops the day of my early morning departure. So I still don’t know whether it would realistically have a chance of fitting me, which is a big thing to consider before dropping this kind of money on an item of clothing. On the other hand, the recent announcement that Innocent World is worried for its financial future as a brand is something I’ve taken almost personally. Since their 20th anniversary they seem to have returned to their roots, to doing things they did well as a brand, which reignited my excitement with their pieces. There were so, so many that I adored over the course of last year, so many I almost purchased and inevitably would have, if money wasn’t an issue. So to hear that they have genuine concerns as a result of Covid-19 outbreak is deeply saddening and worrying. They have just started their summer sales, which this OP is part of at 30% discount, but even with that I’m not sure whether that is a purchase that I can justify in my current position. Still, every time I see that delicate floral pattern and this elegant cut, I can think of several lolita and non-lolita ways of styling this dress, which make such strong arguments in favour of buying it.

Angelic Pretty Dolly Damask JSK

Similarly to the Innocent World OP, my wine x ivory capsule not only reminded me how much I liked this release, but also shed light on it still being available on AP’s Japanese webshop. I stand by what I said in the capsule wardrobe post: this would be a fantastic dress to wear to non-lolita occasions such as weddings. It is elegant, though understated (for lolita), perfect for formal occasions and in a neutral enough colour and pattern to work as evening wear. Not that there are that many occasions to wear evening wear right now, though I fully stand by my friend @lolahbell and her putting on a ballgown for staying at home because you deserve to feel beautiful. I am still not going to buy this dress now because hey, that’s still over 30k JPY and if it’s in stock now, then it might live until the summer sales. Though judging by my being wishy washy about the Innocent World OP, will I actually buy it if/when it goes on sale? Probably not.

Physical Drop Nurse OP

Truth be told, whilst I was aware of Physical Drop’s Nurse OP for a looong time, something within me switched around last month when I suddenly decided that I wanted it. I don’t remember what caused that change and don’t know why. It could’ve been Lou Graves killing it with all his medical looks and me wanting to join that cool club. It could’ve been that since working from home, I don’t get to walk past the old Salford Royal Hospital on my way to the office, which may have been converted to flats, but still has the sign and the grand entrance, and would make such a cool backdrop for a photoshoot. Or it could be that with nothing else to entertain myself with, I simply looked at this OP in a new light. But until recently it wasn’t a real threat to my bank account since the colourway I wanted, white x red, was sold out everywhere. And then Atelier Pierrot went round and restocked it. Or, to be more specific, Physical Drop released a new version of it, as the one currently in stock is slightly, though significantly, different from the one that originally caught my eye. Nonetheless, it is an utterly charming piece which I think looks lovely on its own and without the nurse cap could be worn in other looks as well. Physical Drop is one of those brands that becomes hard to find second hand and even then it retains its value, so buying second hand isn’t usually that much cheaper than buying new. But at the current exchange rate, dropping well over £200 prior to shipping and taxes/SS fees is still very significant.

BtSSB Belle Harmonie ~ Melody of Resonating Wishes and Reunited Maidens ~ Ribbon JSK

Although I knew of this dress since the first previews, I didn’t pay it any attention until I started making the ILD quiz. For the “find the AatP amongst BtSSB” question I searched Lolibrary and that’s when the dress finally registered inside me. In typical BtSSB fashion, they went with a more is more approach, but as the print is actually on the simpler side, I do quite like it? The print reminds me a lot of Rapunzel’s tower because of all those wisteria flowers. At first I tried to tell myself that although my wardrobe is versatile, it wouldn’t be able to incorporate a piece this lavender. Then I realised that not only I just bought two lavender blouses, but I could wear it at least with pink and with white, maaaaybe with sax blue or brown at a push? After that I told myself that over 30k JPY on a dress was too much - and as if hearing me, BtSSB have put this on their summer sales, despite it being a relatively new release (the first previews on their Instagram appeared on March 25th). It is still a considerable amount of money, which brings me back to the “is this a responsible purchase to make in the context of my wardrobe”. Mana only knows how quickly I’d throw my money at Baby if I could just throw money at brands willy nilly.

Of course, there are also always things from my current wishlist that I am perfectly aware of being for sale right now (particularly on Xianyu). In this post I wanted to highlight the things that I have been obsessed with a bit more recently and more intensely. Will any of these purchases happen? I really, really don’t know. Whilst I am gradually finding the strength to say no to Belle Harmonie, the siren call of summer sales and the prospect of Innocent World disappearing are very hard to resist. At the same time, not only are we still in the midst of a pandemic that the UK government is not handling very well, I am personally in an awkward spot (short version: I should be moving, which will involve extra costs, but won’t know whether I actually will be moving for at least another 2-3 weeks). The knowledge that I may need those £200 that’d otherwise go on a dress for practical things is the only thing really preventing me from buying these dresses - though if that thread snaps, only Mana’s mercy could save me from trying to cheer myself up with some impulse buys. So let’s wait and see how all this plays out!

23 Jun 2020

Is It OK to Charge for a Virtual Tea Party?

As this pandemic progressed, virtual meetups and tea parties became the new go-to meetup format. After the initial postponement of pretty much every lolita event, some big ones hosted online began appearing, like Purgatorio or Ursa Major. And then the Japanese brands hopped on that trend - but the way they have handled that was very different to each other.

Now, it’s easy to make a quick comparison to Angelic Pretty Paris anniversary virtual tea party costing attendees money to Moi-meme-Moitie’s virtual tea parties. It’s easy to think that if Moitie could have several time slots to accommodate people from various time zones and to keep individual meetings smaller all for free, then it’s unfair for Angelic Pretty to charge anything for the privilege of joining. But as with most things, nothing is that straightforward.

For starters, yes, the Moitie tea parties were free. Having said this, those virtual tea parties were not attended by Mana. Meanwhile, Angelic Pretty Paris tea party is due to have the designers for a Q&A session. This immediately raises a cost, as a translator will be required to help facilitate this. Moreover, with the time difference between Japan and France, the AP designers would be joining in the evening, which I assume would usually be their off-work time. Considering the many reasons why Mana might not have attended the Moitie tea parties, an imposition on one’s personal off time in the evening is a lot to ask of anyone, even designers passionate about their brands. And a sufficient enough explanation as to why there will only be one time slot as opposed to several.

Secondly, to the best of my knowledge, the Moitie tea parties were just that - a Zoom call as you might have had with your friends. As I did not attend those, I don’t know whether there was anything like Best Dressed Prize (even if only via a title) etc., but it feels safe to assume that the tea party was purely social. On the other hand, AP Paris will not only award a Best Dressed Prize, but also a Best Food Prize and they will hold a raffle as they would at any other one of their anniversary tea parties. Although the Best Dressed and Best Food prizes will be vouchers, this is still a cost that any company would do their best to get back. Whilst we can’t know for sure if the raffle will have the same assortment of prizes, ranging from stationery to dresses and bags, this is also a cost to consider, particularly as any physical prize will also involve postage to the recipient.

Based on the two points above, it is clear that whilst a charge of €15 may seem like a lot for the privilege of having a 1-hour Zoom call at your house, in the context of what is provided, it isn’t that much. At this point we don’t know yet how big the Angelic Pretty Paris tea party is expected to be and we all know that a Zoom call with more than 8 people quickly becomes hard to manage, so the numbers will likely be small, meaning that the €15/person will probably go just towards covering the expenses.

Given this, it’s also not surprising that the ticket sale were only available to those making another purchase with Angelic Pretty Paris. Virtual tea parties are so easy to do that without that the tickets could sell out within minutes to people who don’t own much lolita altogether or who are merely fishing for clout. The cheapest thing you could possibly purchase from AP Paris is a €6 clear file, making the total cost an affordable €21, which is comparable to a typical meetup cost that one’s comm might host. That purchase also had to be made after 1pm Paris-time on Monday June 22nd, so I fully expected it to be a bloodbath. Doing things this way allowed Angelic Pretty Paris to make sales during uncertain times for businesses, whilst also preventing those not that interested in supporting the brand who only wanted to join the tea party because it suddenly became much more accessible from attending. It’s not even a particularly new concept, as almost all Angelic Pretty tea parties at their smaller branches in Japan require a purchase before being able to buy the event ticket, it is different when that tea party will be held in person and you will meet other people.

Although a friend of mine who was able to get the ticket did share some interesting observations, namely that they were able to purchase a considerable while after the ticket sales have opened. This leads me to think that either there were more spaces than I assumed or that there was much less interest than I expected. And my gut instinct tells me that it is the latter. Angelic Pretty Paris tea party veterans likely attend these for the whole tea party experience, which includes not having to prepare your own food, socialising with friends you otherwise might not see very often and interacting with the designers directly, even if as fleetingly as for a photo or for the meet and greet the day before at the shop. For people who have been to those events a cost of €15+ might not be a lot, but it’s not what they want from it and would probably rather host a virtual tea party for the group of friends they normally would’ve been meeting at the event. I can also imagine that for many others the fact that they would miss out on the experience that is an Angelic Pretty tea party and have to satisfy themselves with a second best could also have been a deterrent, leaving the sales up to the people who were able to buy something else and who really wanted that lolita event experience, even if it would be virtual. This is all speculation and my thoughts, I don’t know how many tickets were available or who else got one. I tried to find out whether the tickets have sold out, but AP Paris made no such announcement at the time of writing and as I said, if they didn’t sell out within the first hour of release, then I assume this to be a slow sale.

So whilst on paper this is all reasonable and justifiable, one can’t help but be left with a somewhat bitter aftertaste in their mouth. At a time when we’re told to consider our spending carefully, when the circumstances are making us reevaluate who we’re shopping with and as we wait for a vaccine that will allow for meetups to resume, a €15+ purchase for a Zoom tea party feels at least morally ambiguous. It is understandable from a business perspective, but from the point of view of the community it feels like a double-edged sword. Angelic Pretty gives with one hand, promising to still hold its anniversary tea party and making it seem more accessible than the €100+ ones at a chateau last year, and takes away with the other, still driving lolitas to spend first before offering a chance to have some of the Angelic Pretty tea party experience. In contrast to Moitie’s tea parties: free, accessible, catering to various time zones and with a promise of manageable participant numbers, it very much feels like where they have focused on fostering a community spirit and getting Moitie fans to simply meet each other and be social, Angelic Pretty is more concerned with their sales instead.

Is all this coming from a place of personal bitterness? Not particularly. Yes, I was initially excited at the prospect of attending, but once it became clear that this was €15 plus a purchase, I lost that excitement. Even once I learnt that the cheapest thing I could buy was only €6 instead of €49 as I initially thought (I looked for what I might like, not necessarily for literally the cheapest thing), that didn’t encourage me to try anyway. Not even now, knowing that there are potentially still tickets left and there’s at least one friend going. At the end of the day, whether with Angelic Pretty designers in attendance or not, a virtual tea party is still just sitting on my own sofa, with the food that I made myself. The Best Food Prize may be a nice touch to encourage people to put effort into their food, but I worry that instead it will put unnecessary pressure on people and maybe even create a competitive spirit which will replace the joy of attending a brand tea party. I am at peace with not attending this tea party, much as I am at peace with having to miss going to Barcelona, Moscow and Brussels earlier this year.

Which brings me back to the original question: is it ok to charge for a virtual tea party? As long as the price reflects the cost of what will be provided to the attendees, then sure. But is it moral to do so at a time when others have put much more elaborate lolita events for free, in the midst of a pandemic and encouragement of not spending needlessly, and during a social movement calling for donations to those battling racism, police brutality, and systemic prejudice and injustice? That’s up to you to decide. If you feel that spending €15+ on a virtual tea party is something you can justify and something that will help you emotionally during these difficult times, then don’t be too harsh on yourself for treating yourself. I’m certainly not judging anyone who bought a ticket and I sincerely hope that the tea party is a fun and wonderful experience. Please, do tell all about it afterwards!

19 Jun 2020

Black-Owned Brands Capsule Wardrobe

When the Black Lives Matter movement regained momentum with the protests following George Floyd’s death, many within our niche J-fashion community stepped up, sharing lists of Black-owned indie brands. Although pandemic still affects many creators, those lists are absolutely worth saving for the future as they are full of fantastic shops and people worth supporting. Sadly for me, the majority of those creators are based in the United States, so shipping alone would prevent me from purchasing, even if I was after something in particular. However, I had an idea of showing support and amplifying Black voices within our community another way.

Welcome to the second capsule wardrobe in a row! I am on a bit of a hype with these, but also I wanted to challenge myself whether it was possible to create a capsule wardrobe entirely out of Black-owned brands. There is a lot that I want to say about this, so do pause to get yourself a beverage before getting stuck in.

My Initial Concept

I went into this challenge wanting to make a sweet lolita wardrobe. Partly because as a substyle it’s simply that much harder to substitute things from offbrand shops in comparison to classic and gothic, and partly because this is the one that causes the most backlash. If white lolitas are struggling with being fetishised and objectified for wearing sweet lolitas, then we can’t even begin to comprehend the experience of Black sweet lolitas. In a world where so many will tell you - directly or indirectly - that being Black and being kawaii are incompatible, it takes incredible strength to be that visible, put yourself that much more in the spotlight for unsolicited comments and attacks from the society at large. So I wanted the capsule to celebrate the Black lolitas who embrace their love of this hyperfeminine pastel style. For the capsule I used brands listed in Buttcape’s post, as this was the most accessible, as well as very comprehensive.

The Capsule and the Reality

Once I started putting the capsule together, I realised two key things that affected this capsule.

Firstly, that there weren’t enough pieces within the colour scheme and style I was after (sweet in lavender with white and black). This is partly due to many of the apparel brands being focused on other things: gothic and classic for lolita brands and streetwear and wider J-fashion styles for the brands carrying pastel clothing. I was also limited to the stock photos that I could find and edit, which involved more digging around as many shops are currently closed. This resulted in a change of direction to shades of purple with white and black as supporting colours. This also meant expanding from just sweet to a sweet and classic wardrobe.

Secondly, there were some items that are crucial to a lolita wardrobe that those brands simply don’t carry. On the whole this is a result either of what an independent creator is realistically able to produce (jewellery is so much easier to make than clothing, and clothing is much easier than shoes or bags) or of what style the brands were catering to (e.g. printed legwear in pastel colours is more common amongst wider J-fashion style brands, which in turn tends to be a bit too decora to blend well with sweet and classic lolita). Chances are that these Black-owned brands probably do carry some of the smaller bits I’ve substituted, but they didn’t have stock pictures of them that I could find, especially as these are easy filler stock for convention stalls that doesn’t necessarily end up in shops. As such, where I could, I tried to make my substitutes from other Black-owned companies - where I couldn’t, I simply went with other indie brands in the spirit of supporting small creators, which this capsule is very much about. A real-life lolita would shop around from various sources and shops, supplementing pieces from wherever they could and with whatever they enjoyed. But allowing myself to use shops listing their wares on Taobao or Japanese brands seemed like a copout for this particular challenge, so I did the best that I could.

Lastly, just like in my previous capsule wardrobe post, I did not include any jewellery purely in order to keep the collage as clear as possible. Having said this, so many of the brands on Buttcape’s list are making jewellery for all lolita substyles. I constantly hear lolitas complain how they need more accessories and a few rings and necklaces will not set you back as much as a blouse or a dress, but it will still support an indie creator whilst filling out gaps in your collection. So do check the brands on that list, if you haven’t already, and shop accessories to your heart’s content!

Where Are These Pieces From?

This could get quite lengthy, so I will keep it brief and to a list. As this post aims to promote Black-owned kawaii brands, I will only link to items or source photos for those (not everything in this capsule was currently available for sale or from recent stock). For all other items I will credit the brand, but I will only add links for the Black-owned ones. Otherwise I will provide you with the platform I found these items on.

A Few Coordinates

Sadly, the quality of the images that I was able to find varied very much, so these collages aren’t the best. I am very much an amateur of image editing, so I did the best that I could. Still, it was important for me to show some examples of what this capsule has to offer, both to prove that it is working and to showcase how well the creations of these various Black creators go together, that they can make coordinates as fancy as any other indie brands.

DollBe My Tea Table JSK

The coordinates for this JSK simply put themselves together. You may dislike black base with pastel dresses and honestly, I’m not usually a fan either. But I appreciate that this is a valid look and can totally imagine a few of my friends wearing those.

Ivy Frozen Productions Unicorn Tapestry JSK

Ugh, I am so mad that this designer doesn’t have typical stock photos! Yes, the photoshoots (which I presume were done post fashion shows at events) are gorgeous, but that doesn’t come across well here where you can see the hand I had to chop off. There was also a gorgeous lavender version of this JSK, in a somewhat fancier cut, but every photo of that had the model’s braid right across the bodice! So make sure to check out this brand’s Facebook and website to see the full photos and truly appreciate how lovely their dresses are.

However, that tangent aside, I love how both the cut and the print of this JSK remain on the simple side. This really allows you to dress it up or down, which I hope is evident here - despite that glaring gap where the model’s hand was!

Sugar Trampoline Purple Daisy Gingham skirt

Whilst the attempt at making this skirt be part of a fancy, elegant coord is a bit forced, I don’t think it’s a bad WIP example. Some accessories and extra layers, like maybe an overskirt, could zhuzh it up enough to bring it to that fancy level. In hindsight, maybe it would’ve been better with the ivory headdress instead for fancy vibes. Anyhow, the skirt is there to add a much needed casual option, as well as balance out the sweet ones. It simply can’t hurt to try something outside the box with it.

Lilith et Adalia Natasha OP

Dark shades of purple are very much underappreciated and underrepresented in lolita fashion, which is such a shame. As this OP demonstrates, the rich shade is enough to make any coord seem immediately a lot more elegant, refined and mature. Even with just a simple bow barrette this still looks good enough for a fancy tea party. And that is exactly why it’s good to have at least one OP in your wardrobe.

As you can see, although there are arguably still some gaps in the capsule, it offers a good variety of styles. This is in no small part to the blouses from Elegy. The high neck cuts in long and short sleeves work great for both sweet and classic coordinates, making for a perfect neutral base.

Final Thoughts

Whilst making a more gothic and/or classic capsule would have probably been a little easier, I believe that I would’ve encountered the same issues when it came to legwear, shoes and bags. And I wouldn’t have been able to shoehorn that adorable plush bear bag, which I really, really wanted to include because it’s such a perfect example of sweet lolita’s love for aesthetic over practicality without the Usakumya price tag. I also think that it is more realistic to show a wardrobe that includes styles that are significantly different from each other, since this is what many of us are like. Just because something is from two different styles doesn’t mean that it can’t be complimentary, which I hope this has showcased well.

Lastly, these are merely some examples of the fantastic creations these Black-owned indie creators have. As is no doubts standard whenever one makes a hypothetical capsule wardrobe, I ended up with a few things catching my eye, as well as some mental notes for brands to remember for later. It’s vital to keep an open mind because independent creators evolve and change - even many of these have started off years back making things that are very different to what they produce now. So whilst you may not feel like purchasing anything from them now, if you at least like their craftsmanship and quality, keep them bookmarked somewhere and follow them on social media, so that when they do create something you like, you don’t miss out on it.

Hopefully you have enjoyed this post and this capsule wardrobe. The above is only a snapshot of only a handful of Black-owned J-fashion brands. If you have any other ones that you particularly like, leave me some links in the comments, please!

16 Jun 2020

But-It-Now, Buy-It-New Japanese Brands Capsule Wardrobe

This was an extremely dangerous exercise to attempt, considering how easily it could have turned into a shopping list or a new wishlist. However, I hope that I was able to resist that. Inspired by Roli’s post of the same theme and title, allow me to present you my own capsule wardrobe of items one could purchase brand new from Japanese brands now.

The Capsule

In my search I have expanded to include all Japanese brands, not just the major ones. My main criteria was that this had to be a capsule for me, so each item had to at least have a chance at fitting me comfortably. Once I selected the first three main pieces from the major brands, a fairly clear classic theme in wine red and ivory emerged, so I decided to run with that with small dashes of gold. Other than that, I simply went with what I liked (which is another reason I expanded into other Japanese brands as the main four just did not have enough of what I’d like within that theme), without restricting myself to a set number of pieces. It took a little bit of tinkering until I felt like the capsule offered enough versatility, but I think it worked out.

Has it though? Well, let’s find out!


Pina Sweetcollection Chiffon Frill OP

Truth be told, I’ve seen this OP for sale a few times in various colours and it always tempts me. It has the right volume of ruffles to be OTT and a simple enough cut to be casual. Thanks to all that shirring layering things underneath it wouldn’t look too bulky or awkward. And if you really wanted to, you could probably wear it as a normie formal dress, e.g. for weddings.

Innocent World Flower Tulle OP

I am waiting for this OP to go on sale before I attempt to buy it. It was released just after my Japan trip last year finished, so I never got to try it on in store, which means the fit risk is just that little bit too much to go for it at full price. (I have also hesitated for just a bit too long when I saw it for like £60 on Lacemarket and I have regrets.) Now, this should fit my actual current wardrobe nicely, as I could pair it with other ivories, pinks, and greens. Seeing how well it could work with wine red just makes me want it that little bit more.

Angelic Pretty Dolly Damask JSK

First of all, damn, I was convinced that this colourway had sold out on the Japanese website and now I’m tempted again. Though if it’s still there, then maybe it will go on some crazy sale? I’m not counting on being fast enough online, but with a little help from Styled In Tokyo, maybe I could snag it in store?
That aside, this is another piece that I think would be extremely versatile. I haven’t even attempted to put hypothetical coords with the boleros because I wanted to use all the blouses, but how gorgeous would this look with the Millefeuille one? And it’s another dress that could work for non-lolita occasions. Damn it!

Enchantlic Enchantilly Elegant Back Frill JSK

By this point I had 3 wine red main pieces and only one ivory, so I was determined to add something. Whilst this still isn’t quite what I’d reach for, it is the nicest one that I could find right now. Because you know me, I love an all-ivory coord with pops of colour, particularly when that colour is wine. That and just look at how lovely this JSK cut is, it'd sit beautifully at the waist!

Metamorphose Lilli skirt

Skirts are great and high waisted skirts are event better. I love how, just like the Pina Sweetcollection OP, this skirt works for both fancy and casual outfits.

Final thoughts

So I guess the capsule works! There are still plenty of combinations I haven’t even attempted, which goes to show how well it all works together. I probably should’ve added one or two other bits, like a white bag or fully wine legwear, but I don’t think that not having those limits the possibilities within this capsule that much? Of course, it’s put with the assumptions that all colours match, which they probably don’t, so it’s not a big deal. Though this exercise has certainly reinforced how much I love wine colourway and that I should add more wine to my own wardrobe/wear it more often. With a few more gold pieces (like my Lady Sloth Glitter Mesh blouse) I could imagine myself with a wardrobe like this capsule. Not for very long, but I could.

As I commented on Roli’s post, a capsule like this would be an incredible amount of money to spend in one go. However, if one were to wear lolita semi-regularly (a minimum of once a month) and was absolutely set in that style, then it would be worth the investment. Particularly as pieces can always be sold to obtain funds for replacing them, so one is never permanently stuck with an unwanted item.

Having said that, this isn’t an approach that I’d recommend for newbies. Although I have seen a fair number of “my first coordinate” posts where the entire outfit is head to toe brand (usually AP or BtSSB), this isn’t a sustainable or achievable way of wardrobe building for the vast majority of us. I can see a scenario like this working for an established lolita who suddenly lost their entire wardrobe (e.g. due to a horrible accident). In reality, people in that position most likely wouldn’t pick this route unless they got a very good insurance payment and weren’t keen on re-obtaining dream pieces lost. But as they already had X number of years coordinating lolita fashion pieces, they’d at least be more likely to stick with such a capsule since they’re not figuring their style out anymore and they know what works for them.

Finally, for the very brave, you’re probably wondering how much this capsule would actually cost. Trust me, so did I. So sit down, brace yourself and maybe prepare something to calm your nerves afterwards.

The total cost of this capsule wardrobe, not including postage or customs fees, is 415,780 Japanese yen. At the time of writing, that was just over 3,000 British pounds or almost 4,000 US dollars.

Yeah. I know.

But when you consider that this is 28 brand new pieces from respectable and well-known Japanese brands, it puts that figure in a lot of perspective. Even though, yes, should you have £3k to spend, you would be able to get so much more shopping second hand and you wouldn’t be restricted to what’s for sale right now. This is big reason why we shop second hand instead.

Let me know your thoughts on this capsule, please. Part of me is tempted to try to recreate it, with the same wine/ivory/gold theme, from the pieces within my own wardrobe. Whether I’ll have the energy to do that, that’s a whole other matter. But I am tempted - and open to being encouraged.