10 Jan 2025

2025 Lolita Goals

It’s been more than enough time to reflect on what I’d like to accomplish in 2025. A lot of what I’d like to focus my energy on is not related to lolita fashion at all, however, I’ve managed to pick out a few EGL-specific things. Rather than include things such as ‘finish crafting an item for a specific coord I want to wear’, my focus here is more on goals that will span the whole year. I would like to use these goals as a compass of sorts with my direction in this fashion and not just an accountability checklist for one-off tasks.

Photo from Pexels by Viridiana Rivera.

1. Get some pieces altered

Following the successful elimination of many items that don’t fit me comfortably anymore, I have a small handful of ones that also don’t, but that I’d like to alter since to me they are pieces for keeps. Haenuli’s Lovely Memories JSK is the one that I know for sure right now and in due course I will see if a few more need it too namely:

  • AP’s Cinema Doll JSK
  • Dear Celine’s Magic Book OP
  • IW’s Georges Rose JSK
  • IW’s Revival Sweet Teddybear JSK
  • and Violet Fane’s Charming Town skirt

It’s been too long sacrificing comfort for looks. 2025 is the year we cut that crap out!

Photo from Pexels by Pixabay.

2. Invest more in classic and casual main pieces

Whilst I will elaborate on that in the wish/need/replace list post, I do find my wardrobe to be more sweet at the moment. I was reminded of my yearning for the simple classic styles of Mary Magdalene, which is also extremely wearable, which I’d like to delve into more, especially having found a few options for where to source that in my size. In a similar vein, a lot of what I own I’ve already worn in both dressed up and dressed down ways and I’d like to let pieces that look better when they’re dressed up stay like that. This doesn’t work for my work from home coords, when I typically have less will to do elaborate stuff, so having a couple of pieces that do well with just being thrown on would help me along the way. It’d also come in useful for travel because right now I feel like I am wearing the same handful of skirts and OPs every time I travel and need to transport my petticoat. I don’t want this to be a complete wardrobe overhaul, I still enjoy sweet lolita, so just a couple of additions (maybe 3-5 in total) would do the trick.

I may have fallen a little bit in love with the classic OPs from Atelier Le Carrousel.

3. Do not get roped in to organising more than 1 big meet

This is going to extend a little bit further into managing my energy levels better, but based on 2024 I think it’s fair to say that I should only be allowed to organise or co-organise only one big meet. And by big I mean something ILD-scale or larger, requiring deposits, spreadsheets, budgets, multiple moving pieces etc. Stuff that isn’t just a ‘Make a reservation and then have a good time’, but that takes up weeks or even months of brain space from me. I love organising lolita meets and events – but it’s precisely because I love doing so that I tend to do it at the expense of my own rest. This won’t work with multiple other hobbies, people I’d like to be seeing, ongoing creative projects, and a full-time job in my role. If it’s a simple meet (museum visits, small group bookings, things that are done with one phone call), then I can jump in. But with the one exception of next year’s Christmas lunch, I would like to take a back seat and just enjoy myself.

My rest doesn't have to be exclusively at 4 and 5 star hotels, but let me just enjoy the meets instead of putting them on so frequently.

That last one will make for a very fun review every quarter lol. However, overall these three goals represent comfort, reducing stress, and rest, which are worthwhile things to pursue just in general. My more creative or ambitious goals are definitely confined to the non-EGL spaces, so hopefully this way they will balance each other out to allow for a fulfilled life.

Are any of you making/have made 2025 resolutions? Who’s with me on the rest and recreation bandwagon and who’s trying to go big in 2025? However your 2025 will swing, I wish that you find fulfilment in it!

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