24 Nov 2020

#Frillmas2020 Prompt Challenge

I said that I’d do something for December, I was encouraged to do something for December, so here I am - bringing you a prompt challenge for December. There is a lot of irony in my calling it #Frillmas2020 when I already know perfectly well that not all of my own outfits will be lolita. Truth is, I couldn’t think of a more style-inclusive, yet still catchy tag.

Feel free to interpret these prompts however you see fit. And if you’re a bah-humbug, can’t stand Christmas, I think it’d still be doable for you to take part and do it in a completely unseasonal way. I believe in you all and your creativity.

Whether I believe in my own energy, that is another matter. But if I managed to dress Christmassy (if not always in frills) for every day until Christmas last year, whilst working in an actual office, then surely - surely! - with enough planning I will be able to commit to this too? This seems like prime time to invest in some cute festive pyjamas so that I don’t have to sacrifice on my lazy comfort days…

I’m going to stop here, before I commit to any more promises that I don’t yet know if I’ll be able to keep! This is my offering to you all this December. If you decide to take part, please, tag me, as well as use the hashtag #Frillmas2020. I would absolutely LOVE to see what you have come up with, whether you stick with the entire challenge or only do the odd one.

And hopefully by sharing this post now I have given you all enough of a head-start to plan and get at least the first few ones in before the pre-Christmas frenzy gets to us all. The fact that it’s exactly a month before Christmas Eve is a happy, though pure coincidence.

Happy #Frillmas2020, everyone!


  1. While not a Christmas person myself, I might give some of these a go. (Any excuse to use excessive amounts of glitter in my makeup is fine by me, honestly.)

    1. Any reason to wear lots of glitter is 100% valid!
