5 Jul 2024

Lolidrobe Reassessment Post 2024.02

Blink and we’re in July. And for once, I know how this has happened because I have literally not stopped once with all the TQiD fashion show things and my work’s peak busy time.

New additions

This time I can actually say that I haven’t bought that much. Even my non-lolita spending eased a little because my parents decided to get a mortgage and TL;DR is that they now owe me lots of money. And despite TQiD happening, between the vendors’ styles not being quite my cup of thing and me not having a lot of time to shop, I really didn’t buy that much over the last three months. Yay me!
  • 1 top (sweet/classic in red)
  • 1 pair of bloomers (classic in white)
  • and 5 sets of accessories (1 classic brooch in pink, 1 classic brooch in white, 1 pair of sweet earrings in pink, 1 pair of classic earrings in gold, 1 sweet necklace in red)
Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

The picture of all purchases hasn’t been this small and empty since… I can’t even remember when. It made for a very easy picture-taking experience.

Possible new looks

However, the absence of purchases means that there are fewer actual new looks that I could make. That being said, the things that I did buy wound up being items that I got mildly obsessed with, so at least they got to see the light of day pretty quickly.

From June 2024.

From April 2024.

From May 2024.

Replacement and need list progress

Good news - I finally sold the Rosier Fleur JSK! I haven’t found one to replace it with yet, but at least it’s no longer in my wardrobe, taking up space. Hopefully, the absence of one will force me creatively to try to achieve similar things with other dresses that I own, as well as motivate me to find a replacement that I like sooner. But that is the last item on my replacement list, so I am very pleased with that bit of progress!

No similar progress made on the need list, however. I am starting to reconsider my overall jewellery needs in light of realising that maybe my style is shifting in terms of colour palette, as well as wanting a few more versatile yet smaller items, especially necklaces. But right now I don’t have the capacity to do that level of introspection, so for now the list stays as is.

Click to enlarge.

Current wishlist

I might as well combine both of the wishlists because there has been no progress made on either. Whilst arguably the Naddine Atelier bow top functions in a similar way to a corset or a vest, it isn’t quite one (it literally covers just the boobs), so no ticks there. We stay where we are and with how much money I have right now, maybe that’s for the better.

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.

New Year’s goals: progress summary

I mean, don’t get your hopes up, what could have happened when all I did was TQiD stuff?
  1. Did I finish the craft projects I started in 2023? Hahahaha. I have done nothing on either of those. I have been too busy or too tired to even think about them, despite all the best intentions.
  2. Did I learn a new hairstyle? Also no. I have sort of landed at some ideas that are less about having a universal easy go-to hairstyle and more about making them work with the accessories at hand, like the side braid from May. But I think I’m slowly getting somewhere.
  3. Did I sort through my bags? Nothing more since the last reassessment post really. The one bag that I wanted to sell remains for sale, no-one seems to want it, while the one that I wanted to do repairs on still sits where it was, waiting for a moment of motivation on my part. In all honesty, I probably could do with removing one or two more bags to replace them with something better, however, just like my needs list, this is a level of introspection that feels beyond my capacity at the moment.

The world feels different without an event to focus all my energy on. Of course, I was quick to fill it with other activities, but these should be just regular stuff, which at least is conducive to dressing up more. And with one event done, my brain has started to plan for the next big event I’m going to, which isn’t even until March 2025, but gotta start planning for it now. In the meantime, the summer being quite lousy so far has put me in an autumnal mood, which means that I barely scratched the itch of wearing my summer stuff. I could certainly do with a bit of that cosy autumnal energy, that could be what will finally get me to finish my crafting bits. Or will it? Stay tuned to find out!

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