10 Mar 2017

Comfy and Cosy Lolita Outfits

Lolita isn’t always the most comfortable fashion. There are times, however, when you want to be comfortable and look cute in your frills – what to do then?

I realise that the title of the Lolita Blog Carnival challenge says coords, plural, but I have only one outfit so far that I consider both comfy and cosy (a lot of outfits may be comfortable, but feel a bit too fancy to sit at home with a cup of tea binging on YouTube videos). Also, despite wanting to do so, I don’t usually wear Lolita at home as I still live with my parents, both of whom smoke. It’s a challenge already to stop the smell from getting all over my stuff (and myself), I don’t want to expose anything more than necessary.

| Metamorphose Shirring Tiered Ribbon JSK | AP Creamy
Blouse | BtSSB Heart Marble Chocolate and Sugar
Coated Cookies Tiered
bolero | AP Dolly Chiffon headbow |
offbrand socks |

What makes this coord very comfortable is full shirring on both the blouse and the JSK. It allows me plenty of freedom of movement and whether I feel like eating my own weight in food or not, there’s plenty of room for that. The bolero is roomy and warm, and as it ends just at my chest it doesn’t restrict movement either. Simple colour palette and lack of prints (just one bit of embroidery) make this very low key, but the colours (and the embroidery) are still very cute and would brighten up any day. As the key is to be comfy and cosy, I’d swap brand socks for these: they’re from Primark Love to Lounge line and while they can dig a little bit too much where the elastic is, they’re still incredibly comfortable, warm and, what’s more important, I don’t need to worry about anything happening to them. For shoes I’d probably just stick with my slippers – it’s a cosy and comfy coord, I’m not going out and there’s no need to flaunt my cheesy slippers.

Do you sometimes wear Lolita just at home? Do you go for cosy coords or whatever you feel like, OTT included? What are your tips for keeping Lolita comfortable?


  1. I use my btssb jumperskirt, very comfy and nightgrown like. However it is not good to eat in since it is white and flocked. Secondly all my prints are machinewashable, so I am not worried about stains...

    1. I guess as long as you ate foods that could at worst only cover you in crumbs, then it wouldn't be too bad.

  2. That JSK is beautiful!! And it looks very comfortable coordinated like that, too, I want to look for something similar in black. I have a full shirring jsk, but for some reason, maybe the print or material, it just feels too fancy to wear at home. I usually just wear a putumayo cutsew/dress at home because they're stretchy, low-key, and machine washable, and don't clash too much with my outside-chores boots and offbrand black/wine tights, in case I actually go outside.

    1. I love wearing it because it's so comfy. Some people don't like the way full shirring looks, but I don't really mind. Fingers crossed you find something like this in black, hopefully it'll come in a reasonable price too. :)
      Cutsews is what I lack in my wardrobe at the moment, need to change that. Ad Putomayo is such an underrated brand! I only have a pair of socks from them, but they're quite impressive. Must remember to keep an eye on their stuff a bit more. ^^

  3. That dress looks super comfy and perfect for days at home ^_^

    I occasionally wear lolita around the house when the weather gets warmer-- usually something really simple/not a full coordinate, such as a comfy main piece and a t-shirt, or even just a top and bloomers! I find my Princess Wardrobe jumperskirt by Meta super comfortable due to all the shirring, and I expect you feel similarly about your tiered dress!

    I think it would be handy to own a comfy OP I could just throw on and be done with. I have always loved the look of Victorian Maiden's full length loungewear dresses but I never see those come up for sale, and perhaps I'd find them too pricey for lounging about in anyhow! I need to stop being lazy and make my own!

    1. I've heard a lot of people say that Meta generally has one of the comfiest brand clothes going, and even though I only have that one dress and some socks, I can totally believe that.

      Oh yes! I've downsized my OPs from 2 to 1, but I'd love to have more. I really like the look of the more otome-style long sleeve ones, but the chances of me fitting into a brand one are slim and I can't sew, so I'm on the lookout for a Taobao one that I'd like. Having one or two, long and short sleeve, especially if they're easily washable, would be great for those days when you can't really be bothered, but can just enough to want to put something frilly on. The search begins, I guess :P
