19 Jan 2018

1 Dress 4 Looks Take 17

Although recently I started to have doubts whether this impulse buy dress was such a good idea, having worn Baby the Stars Shine Bright’s Sugar Bouquet Shirring Princess JSK to the Dim Sum meet kind of revived my love for it. It’s a great Sweet-Classic piece with enough oldschool vibes to please oldschool fans and enough detachable pieces to satisfy the lovers of versatility.

Look 1: English Rose

| vintage blouse | Baroque tights | offbrand shoes | Dreamy
Bows flower headband | Enchantlic Enchantilly necklace |
A very simple look to compliment this elegant dress without overwhelming it. While I would’ve preferred a different kind of shoe, I didn’t want to use my ivory heels again, since the last time I wore this dress with those tights I had them on. You have to challenge yourself at least a little. It would be nice to take this out for a spin, like an afternoon tea or just a casual family gathering, although at the same time this is such a simple and almost standard look that it’s easy to dismiss it for a more unusual styling.

Look 2: Autumn Rose

| Innocent World Millefeuille bolero | AP Harlequinade
OTKs | Cutie Creator headbow | Innocent World shoes |
Fantastic Grim Jewellery necklace |
You know how much I like my blues and reds together, I will put them into one outfit whenever I can. In an attempt to make a light dress more appropriate for colder seasons throwing in a jewel tone can sometimes work. Because it’s a flatlay, it’s quite obvious that the shoes and the bolero are two different shades, but I think this would work well when worn. I just wish I had different socks, preferably off-white with sax in a floral pattern, but these are the most Classic sax socks I currently own.

Look 3: Vintage Rose

| offbrand blouse (New Look) | Innocent World Diamond
OTKs | Metamorphose Triple Bow shoes | Cutie
Creator straw hat | offbrand pearl necklace and flower
clips | vintage gloves |
I’m not going to lie, I really like this coord! It all started off by trying to incorporate my vintage gloves and wanting to create something slightly more 1950’s with this dress and then it took off from there. The off-shoulder blouse was never intended to be worn with Lolita, I bought it for a holiday, but works surprisingly well. This is almost giving me Rococo meets 1950’s vibes (because if you haven’t seen any of the Shirring Princess dresses, they have a lovely three tier ruffle at the back) and I kind of wish I had a bigger, more Rococo-style or a bergere hat to take that further. Still, the straw hat with extra flowers looks cute and this would be so nice to wear in the summer for something a little fancier.

Look 4: Princess Rose

| Infanta overblouse | Baroque Repose of Queen overskirt
and tights | An*tai*na heels | offbrand necklace | Taobao
crown |
After all this is the Shirring Princess cut, isn’t it? Although this dress features white accents, quite unusual for a Classic piece, it still works very well with cream/ivory. Depending on the hairstyle this could be either Hime Lolita or “just” OTT Classic – either way, it’s my favourite look of the four (although the previous one is very, very close). In my head I’m already thinking of occasions to wear this and I sincerely hope that something will come up. It’d be a shame if this never went beyond a flatlay.

Even before putting this post together I knew that I needed some sax heels to go with my lighter Classic looks, but these looks have reinforced that. They also reinforced the old-as-time truth that pastels are a nightmare to match. Doesn’t matter if we talk pinks or saxes – no one pink or sax is ever like another one and I’m seriously starting to doubt the existence of such a thing as matching sax pieces... At least there are still contrasting colours to coordinate your pieces with.


  1. I love how many different looks you can get with this dress, but I think my favourite is that opulent last one.

    1. Sugar Bouquet is a lot more versatile print than it appears. Especially now that I'm gradually adding more pinks, I should hopefully be able to do even more with it. Definitely thinking about an occasion to wear the last look somewhere, as well as the second-to-last.
