30 Jan 2018

Lolita and the Oscars

I was going to post the first of my unboxings from this weekend, however, I’m having problems with my laptop, so this will have to wait, unfortunately. However, whilst we’re still in the middle of the awards season, why not have a look at which of this year’s nominated films might be appropriate for a lifestyle Lolita? There are only so many Lolita-specific films for us to watch and I strongly believe that being ladyline, which is a big part of Lolita lifestyle, is about being cultured and educated. And in modern days, being cultured and educated is about films as much as it is about books or formal education. So let’s find ourselves something appropriately aesthetic to watch!

26 Jan 2018

Lolita Wardrobe Post 2018

Originally I wasn't going to do a wardrobe post this year, remembering how tiring and challenging it was last year. However, I have come to see the light and found a way around some of my issues (i.e. poor lighting), enabling me to get my act together and photograph everything. I included every hair accessory, every piece of jewellery and all the pieces I use with Lolita, whether they're brand, Japanese offbrand or totally offbrand/thrifted/upcycled. The only things not included are undergarments, so petticoats and bloomers, and earrings - not counting the one or two other bits I simply forgot about when taking photos. This is my most comprehensive wardrobe post yet and I'm very pleased with the result. It might be a bit too photo-heavy for some, so consider this your warning.

2017 has been good for me in terms of Lolita. While I tried to focus on builder pieces, I ended up getting quite a few main pieces I really wanted, including a long-stading wishlist item that I didn't think I'd get. My wardrobe also grew in brand pieces I previously had little interest in, like shoes or jewellery - but I also added plenty of Taobao/offbrand pieces and most of my brand additions were cheap second hand buys. If there's anything I haven't named you're curious about, just ask. ^^

Looking at it all now, I want more red pieces since I love red in all shades. However, I'm not sure how sensible it'd be to add any now: I had two big purchases in January already and I'm as out of storage as one can be, so it'd be sensible to put that off for a while. Not that I always do what's sensible... But when I do try to be sensible, I get myself organised, so here is my list of 2018 goals and my 2018 wishlist, that so far, without bragging, I managed to stick to pretty well (but still it's only early). Although now that you can see what I own, I think my wishlist makes a lot more sense than it did on its own.

2016 and 2017 wardrobe posts if you're curious, but be warned that the quality of photography declines the further back you go.

23 Jan 2018

Tulle Magazine Review

It’s great to know that while 2017 was the year when GLB and KERA stopped publishing a physical magazine, it was also the year many new publications have started. While it remains to be seen if any of them will live past issue one, just before the end of the year I have received a copy of tulle, another kawaii fashion magazine from Japan, so let’s have a look!

19 Jan 2018

1 Dress 4 Looks Take 17

Although recently I started to have doubts whether this impulse buy dress was such a good idea, having worn Baby the Stars Shine Bright’s Sugar Bouquet Shirring Princess JSK to the Dim Sum meet kind of revived my love for it. It’s a great Sweet-Classic piece with enough oldschool vibes to please oldschool fans and enough detachable pieces to satisfy the lovers of versatility.

16 Jan 2018

Coord Catchup

Phew, all the New Year stuff is behind us now, things have calmed down over here, we can finally get on with life as normal. Because there were a few outfits back in December that I never shared here, as well as one in January already. None of them was an occasion big enough to warrant its own post, so here’s a roundup of the couple of last Lolita outfits I wore and documented (there were one or two that went by undocumented) in chronological order.

12 Jan 2018

Sweet Dolly House Lucky Pack Review

Another lucky pack has arrived. Well, it actually arrived just before 2017 ended, but there were other things to prioritise posting at that time – but the review still stands true!

9 Jan 2018

Updated Lolita Level Up Quiz - version 3.0!

The Lolita Level Up Quiz is pretty much a classic now. But ever since doing it on camera, I wanted to give it an update. I used the spare time I had, making this a project, and I took the quiz from FYeahLolita and the Parfait Doll one that it’s based upon, and worked my way from there to create this. I present to you the Lolita Level Up Quiz version 3.0!

5 Jan 2018

2018 Wishlist

As someone who enjoys being organised and organising things, I like periodically looking through my wishlist and see if anything has changed. You’d be surprised how often you find that a bit of wait has turned an item from “OMG, NEED!” to “meh, don’t want it anymore”. The start of a new year is as good a time as any for this and this time I decided to split my wishlist into two parts: things that aim to fill the gaps in my wardrobe and things that I simply fancy and decided to actively pursue.

2 Jan 2018

2018 Lolita Goals

Here we are again. I like evaluating how far I’ve come in Lolita fashion through these little goals I set myself, although the longer I’m in the fashion, the harder I find it to keep these away from being about purchasing this or that. Wishlists and goals should be separate, but when we’re talking about fashion, it’s not easy to find ways of engaging with it that don’t involve buying pieces. However, I’ll still try.