21 Sept 2018

What is the One Piece that You Could Never Give Away and Why

Do you ever think which of your dresses you’d sell if you absolutely had to? Of course, we want to keep them all, but sometimes, for whatever reason, that’s just not possible. Yet even when life forces us to part with our collection, many of us have that one piece we could not bear to even think about parting with. If you’ve followed this blog for a while, can you guess what mine is?

I’m lucky enough to own every single one of my dream dresses – which only complicates matters in this prompt, really. I managed to boil it down to two and even the thought that I might have to get rid of one is physically painful, so I’ll bend the rules and talk about them both! And in alphabetical order of print name, because there really is no favouritism here.

The first is Mary Magdalene’s Paulina JSK. After almost seven years of looking for it, having only gotten it this January, how could I part with my ultimate dream dress? Not only is it my namesake, it’s a magnificently stunning piece of absolute top quality materials. When I wear it, I feel like the most stunning version of myself, as this cut is insanely flattering on my figure. At the same time, this dress is so comfortable it feels like second skin – you could even say that it was literally made for me. Although it may be just a touch too fancy in construction to be worn casually or daily, it certainly could be coordinated in a simpler, more toned down way. Truth be told, if this was the only main piece I owned, I probably would’ve gone out of my way to wear it just a little bit and been more creative in coording it so that it didn’t look quite the same every time. There is nothing, nothing, about this dress I don’t love with all my heart and if you want it, you might have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

This dress is my everything!
Photo by Anh Binh Photography.

The other one is Haenuli’s Whipped Cream Kitty JSK. This dress is incredibly special to me as it was bought for me by my partner as a graduation present. Given his view on spending, it will likely be the only lolita dress I’ll ever get from him, so all the more reason to treasure this one. However, more than this, it’s a dress that feels quintessentially me, which I’m sure I’ve already mentioned. I mean, come on, it’s literally in this blog’s header artwork by the wonderful Mimi Jamora! A Sweet print in tricolour? Yes, please! On top of this, again, the cut is very flattering and very comfortable. Although I might wear this dress in very similar ways every time, I don’t feel like I’ve run out of options – it’s just my wardrobe being very cohesive in colour scheme, which allows me to churn out new tricolour coords with this print without repeating pieces. These options include both casual and dressed up outfits, so there’s loads of combinations I could do. Besides, if I was going to keep just two pieces, then I couldn’t be happier for one of them to be by Haenuli because her, her brand and her designs deserve all the support in the world!

Because recently I featured my more toned down coords, lets remind ourselves that it
can be quite OTT and dressy!

For now, this is it. Maybe one day I’ll be emotionally ready to make these two battle to the death for the title of the Ultimate Dress I’d Keep If I Could Only Keep One – but today is not this day.

How about yourself? Do you have a special dress in your collection (or two!) which you could never give away? Or do you not get as emotionally attached to your lolita pieces? As always with Lolita Blog Carnival prompts, make sure to check out what the other participating bloggers have written!


  1. Even thinking about this topic gave me a bit of existential dread, because how could I ever jut pick one? I love both these dresses on you, though Whipped Cream Kitty definitely read more like you to me.

    1. To be honest, I never ever want to do that, there are so many other pieces I do not want to lose...! O_O However, if absolutely, categorically pressed to do so, those would be the two I would simply be compelled to save at all cost and the world can fight me!

  2. I like these choices because they seem to reflect both halves of your personality and lolita style: the dressy, fancy, elegant side, and the side that requires a fun yet practical and versatile piece for cuteness no matter the occasion! As a side note, I absolutely love that first photo of you! The makeup is so beautiful, and you really have a knack for posing <3

    My two would be as follows:
    AP's Miracle Candy jumperskirt in red. This was a dream dress of mine for years, and when I finally got it and tried it on I could not get over how well it fitted, and how wonderful it made me feel. It reflects the whimsical, sweet side of my personality perfectly.

    My second choice would be AatP's Trick Hat, Pricked heart corset jumperskirt in black. That was my holy grail dress, so to speak, as when I wanted it at least, it was very elusive and low-key rare. It appeals to the darker, more gothic side of my personality, and while it never seems to photograph too well, it has a real wow factor in real life. I also appreciate the fact it is sewing-themed!

    1. That's way better summed up than what I managed! It's exactly it, those two dresses feel like the best reflections of my style, both the more retro and practical one and the dressed up, OTT one. And thank you! This is my go to pose, but I forget that with higher waisted dresses I just squish the petticoat with my arm like this. And that makeup was SOOO fun to do! I was at a loss, it took so little time and I'm not used to having spare time when getting ready. :P

      Is that the skirt you wore to Dream Masquerade Carnival? It is amazing and I still remember how fabulous that outfit looked, it was sheer candy perfection! <3 And I never heard of that AatP print before, I had to look it up. I can see how it might be awkward to photograph well, but having said that it has the perfect Halloween colour scheme, so maybe it will get some love this spoopy season? ^.^

  3. I'm so happy you were able to get your dream dress! That's great! It can feel extremely gratifying to finally get something you've looked for after so long a time. This piece is definitely lovely and it's so neat it shares your name as well.
    The second dress is also wonderful and the fact that it was a gift is so sweet, it definitely makes sense the memories behind this would make it difficult to part with.
    (Don't make yourself choose one...choose both...)

    1. Oh yes, definitely! I've been very lucky with my dream dresses, I managed to get every single one in my preferred cut and colourway - this one took the longest, something like seven years to find. No-one can convince me now that dream dresses are impossible to find, you just have to be ready and patiently stalk every sales outlet you know and eventually it will turn up. (Even though I know that there are pieces even more rare than this one.)
      And I definitely don't intend to pick just one. Although this prompt stays purely a thought experiment, I don't want to get rid of any of my dresses :P
