20 Nov 2018

1 Dress 4 Looks Take 24

Sweet Cream House was one of those prints that just grew on me. It’s popular and reasonably cheap second hand, so you do end up seeing it a lot. The more I did, the more details I noticed and eventually got one myself. No regrets! Even if I do lack a few more shades of brown to really make this shine.

Look 1: Chocolate

| DreamV cutsew | Angelic Pretty Sweet Cream House OTKs | Sosic Shop shoes | Cutie Creator
headbow | Milkribbon brooch | Once Upon a Cookie Treat necklace | Twinkle Kitty Boutique rings |
This is a pretty standard look. It’s not too dissimilar from the one I wore to Doki Doki last year, although thanks to the cutsew it feels much more casual. While I’m not 100% sure how the two necklines would work together, I kind of like it on the flatlay. It’s a shame that you can’t see it on this photo, but this headbow is a near exact colour match to the velvet bows on the JSK bodice!

Look 2: Mint Chocolate

| Magic Tea Party blouse | Bodyline shoes | Innocent World Lauretta OTKs | Angelic Pretty
Diner Doll headbow | Mojiangxiaopu hair clip | Angelic Pretty Chess Emblem brooch |
While I hate the taste of mint chocolate, the two colours work super well together and I love mint x brown coords. In an ideal world this would be paired with some mint wrist cuffs or bracelets, but I don’t own any. If I were to wear this, I’d probably pair it with a cardigan to mask that. I was also thinking of doing this with Diner Doll OTKs and brown shoes and headbow, but I decided not to flaunt how few brown pieces I actually own and tried to create an illusion that I have more variety.

Look 3: White Chocolate

| Angelic Pretty Creamy Shirring blouse | BtSSB Heart Marble Chocolate and Sugar Coated
bolero | Angelic Pretty Odekake Ribbon OTKs | Sosic Shop shoes | Cutie Creator
headbow | offbrand necklace | Twinkle Kitty Boutique rings |
We tend to think of white base as a little boring, but it doesn’t have to be. White is a great canvas that lets you introduce other colours. I quite like how this coord manages to introduce three heart0shaped elements and a few really subtle touches of pink, it keeps it a little bit more interesting. Also, fuck Baby for those long names, why would you use seven words and forty-seven characters to name a bloody bolero?!

Look 4: Strawberry Chocolate

| Angelic Pretty Large Ribbon Brooch blouse | Angelic Pretty Sealing Border OTKs | Angelic
Pretty Heart Charm Velveteen Ribbon wrist cuffs | Angelic Pretty Logo Ribbon Charm wrist
cuffs | Cutie Creator headbow | offbrand hair clips and shoes | After Midnight doughnut hair
lip | Angelic Pretty Milky Candy brooch | Wonderbox Designs rosette | BtSSB Merry Sweet
ring | Twinkle Kitty Boutique ring | Cutie Craze Café ring |
It all started with the pink blouse… the OTT part happened almost on its own. And I tell you what, I am excited to wear this. No idea when that would be, but I just feel the itch to put this on, it’s so much fun! Granted, it would look tonnes better with brown tea parties, but I don’t own any. I could potentially swap out the socks for some browns ones and then wear the pink heels from Meta, though I feel it looks better with pink socks. What do you think?

There was another look I put together with this dress, however, I won’t feature it here. You will have to wait for December to see that one. Keep an eye on the YouTube! ;)


  1. Oh my goodness, I love all of these! Totally want to see you wear that last coord in particular ^__^ You're right about brown tea parties probably being a better shoe choice, but perhaps you could run with pink shoes if you have a brown and pink pair of socks? Given that the JSK doesn't feature heaps of dark brown I don't feel you need too much down the bottom to balance things out...

    1. I don't know when or where, but it will happen eventually, it's firmly in the 'outfits stashed for later' bank. And you're right, this print isn't particularly brown heavy, so I probably could get away with pink shoes and brown socks (unfortunately I don't have brown x pink socks - well, I don, but they're Classic with not *that* much pink there).
