Frills in the Times of a Pandemic

Is there anyone out there who has not been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak somehow? Many of us are isolating ourselves, many are actually quarantined, while others are simply trying to get by amidst panic buying, cancelled plans and feeling sorry for ourselves. The temptation is to go online shopping, but that’s not a solution to the problem and can actually cause more issues, particularly if you should be saving. If you’re one of the people who are homebound for the foreseeable future without any pressing responsibilities (working from home still implies you are working), here are some tips on how you can continue to engage with lolita fashion without the need to shop or leave your house.

Dress Up

The simplest option is often the best. Whether you are a lonelita or not, you can put on whatever coord you’ve been meaning to wear. Fancy or casual, there are no limitations because it’ll only be you and those you share your house with who will see it. Although maybe be careful if you were planning on bleaching the sink or having spaghetti for dinner.

Go as cosy and chill or as OTT as you want, it's just you in the house.

Frilly TLC

In a similar vein, life is giving you ample time to give your clothes some TLC. Whether that means sewing back fallen buttons, laundering, ironing, organising your jewellery or putting folded clothes back into a neat pile as opposed to tossing them wherever. Spending time taking care of your frills not only ensures their prolonged life, but also gives you a chance to admire the little details or remember about the small forgotten bits.

Do a Wardrobe Post

Whether you’ve missed January wardrobe post season or want to get a head start on next year’s, why not now? The Northern Hemisphere is finally getting some sunlight and those stuck at home all day can catch all of it. You can document every single individual piece or put together coordinates (to use for later?). You’ll also have time to spend on making sure each photo looks good and editing them as necessary. You can make it however fancy and detailed you wish, you have the time for that now.

Our wardrobes change a lot. My spreadsheet already needs updating and it's only been three months!

Reminisce with Old Magazines

Many of us own copies of old GLB and KERA magazines, maybe some other ones too. If time allows you to indulge like this, spend a calm, relaxed day not just flicking through them, but paying attention to the contents. Google Translate’s camera function may help read some of the articles, whilst looking at street snaps could inspire your own coordinates. This doesn’t have to be reminiscing, you could just as easily spend the day reading newer magazines or watch YouTube videos.

Practice a Skill

Always wanted to learn embroidery? Maybe there’s a cake you’ve tried once that you can’t get anymore, but found a recipe? Have you been meaning to improve your hair or makeup techniques? Now’s the time! It doesn’t even have to be lolita-related, although many of these skills could come in useful one day for a coordinate or meetup.

This is both the first and last time (to date) that I made a Pavlova. I had to improvise as I ran out of vanilla essence and it actually came out even better? I'd never know that if I hadn't made one.

Virtual Meetups

If the LiveJournal lolitas could be social through the Internet, the so can we! There are now several different social media platforms allowing you to host digital meetups. From Discord groups to more dedicated sites for streaming films or playing games, you could find something you’d like to do and get others to join. Online screening of Kamikaze Girls with your local lolita community? A session playing Animal Crossing or Cards Against Lolitas with whoever is up at the time? A video-chat tea party with your friends? I’m sure others will be as keen to be social whilst isolated as you are.

Craft and Sew

Meetups may be cancelled, events may be postponed – but that only gives you more time to polish your outfits. Or gives you time to make something new if you feel like everyone’s already seen all that you have. Of course, I understand the urge to procrastinate when there’s no deadline looming. However, think how much neater and more detailed your creation could be if you have the time to spend on it. You could even do a virtual crafting meet, if the company of other people crafting would motivate you. Two birds, one stone!

This is a crafting project I did a while back now, but maybe now I'd have time for more?

Create Content

Bloggers and YouTubers are already rejoicing at all this extra time they have to create things. And it’s so easy to be a blogger or a YouTuber, that you could try it too. If you’ve had ideas in your head for a while, but kept putting them off, maybe now is your chance? You might even be able to create enough to have a little bit spare. Nothing is forcing you to keep this up if you decide it’s not for you after life gets back to normal. But equally, you may discover that this is something you enjoy and want to keep at.

… and Many, Many More

How you spend your time in isolation (self-imposed or ordered by your government) is up to you. Simply remember that just because you can’t go to afternoon tea doesn’t mean you can’t have any lolita interactions whatsoever. And it doesn’t have to be filling the time with mindless spending either.

What have you been getting up to recently? Anything else that you’d add to this list?


  1. ohh are great tips to do in this seclusion of the pandemic, really super to take advantage of this time and dedicate and be distracted by fashion, congratulations for the post <3

    1. I noticed a few other bloggers tackle the same topic this week, it's clearly trending lol! But the more takes on how to distract yourself with frills the better.

  2. Thanks for the tips! I've been getting by on virtual meets. They are sustaining me right now.

    1. I've only done one so far and have one more scheduled for tomorrow. Though as we've gone into official lockdown, there may be more to come. I'm fine for now, but I completely foresee myself going a little meet-starved by the time we're finally allowedd out.

  3. Thank you for this post! I haven't thought about attending a virtual meetup and I am too lazy to dress up at the moment.
    But crafting helps during this time and I can recommend it with all my heart.

    1. The great thing about virtual meetups is that often you don't even have to get dressed. We had two playing Cards Against Lolitas and some people were in frills, while others not (it varied from other J-fashion to pyjamas). Sometimes just hearing the voices of friends from your comm and being able to laugh with them is enough to lift your spirits.
      I look forward to seeing all the crafts you've been able to do recently :)


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