30 Sept 2022

September Coords Roundup

Wow, as if this month played out like a change of seasons should: warm in the beginning and pretty chilly in the end… Not that I’m complaining, I’m loving the fact that layering up and cardigans are once again on the metaphorical menu. But to look back at what I’ve worn and physically observe the change in temperatures is wild.


Coord 1: Chill Picnic

| Haenuli Whipped Cream Kitty JSK | BtSSB 134*405 shirring blouse | offbrand socks and shoes | BtSSB Secret AIR MAIL from Sweet Kitty headbow | handmade necklace and bracelets | Cutie Creator wrist cuffs | Sweet Dolly House Cookie Bon Bon ring | Banned Retro Bella belt |

Had this been an October look, I could've used it for the final prompt of the No Buy Support Challenge.

I love the subtle detail that the bracelets over the wrist cuffs add.

My original plan for this picnic fell through because only the week before I had sold my only mint blouse. So that idea will have to wait for another time. And as ideas with other dresses weren’t quite coming together either for a variety of reasons, and as I wanted to be comfortable, I opted for a basic sweet coord. It’s not what I intended to wear originally, but it was cute regardless, as well as delivered on the comfort that I needed. The picnic gradually grew smaller in numbers until there were only three of us, though the intimate atmosphere made it even more chill and relaxing. I made a potato salad and an apple tart, the latter being a massive success and a great kick off to the cosy autumn season. All in all, this was a really lovely day and time flew by.


Coord 2: Casually Getting Seasonal

| Song and Temple Fairytale Library skirt | Angelic Pretty Logo Embroidered Turtleneck cutsew | offbrand tights and shoes | Naked Lace Company barrette | Metamorphose Rose Letter necklace | handmade bracelets |

Every time I wear this cutsew I tell myself that I'll get more. And then don't.

Don't know what it is about this pairing, it just works.

It felt like way too long since I wore frills (even though it had only been four days) and it was time to scratch that itch, capitalising on working from home. The outside world was still quite mild-to-warm, but inside was comfortable enough for a long sleeve cutsew and tights. The stress of the new academic year ramped up my desire to be cosy and enjoy the season. This may not be the most autumnal looking coord, but with the jewel tones and soft cosy layers it certainly felt it.


Coord 3: Friday Blues

| BtSSB Secret AIR MAIL from Sweet Kitty JSK | Banned Retro cardigan | offbrand socks, earrings and ring | Deary shoes | Haruhi Clover headbow | Metamorphose Rose Letter necklace | Candy Kitsch ring | Angelic Pretty Cute Ribbon wrist cuffs | Angelic Pretty Charlotte’s Bear brooch |

The month of super lazy hair and makeup stylings? Look, my energy has had to be prioritised elsewhere, it is what it is.

How often I wear this brooch absolutely does not reflect how much I love it. Every now and then it makes me wonder whether I actually want to add Charlotte's Bear JSK to my wardrobe, but inevitably I always conclude that I'm fine with just the brooch. If money was no object - maybe.

The toss up was between this dress with the red turtleneck and this dress once again paired with a lighter blue. Having quickly tested the two options in flatlay form, the blue felt much more exciting, a sort of combination of the March 2020 and July 2021 coords. Though I will admit that once it was on I wasn’t that big of a fan of how the cardigan and the dress layered together, the end result was a bit more bulky than what I was hoping for. Oh well, sometimes it just be that way. And for a work from home Friday, at the end of what felt like a very long week, there was no point in being too harsh on oneself. I mean, the Queen had died just the day before, which put a lot of things into perspective.


Coord 4: Anniversary Meetup

| Summer Fairy Limited Menu JSK | Ank Rouge cutsew | Dancing Days cardigan | Angelic Pretty Fancy Candy OTKs | Bodyline shoes | Angelic Pretty Twinkle Star headbow | offbrand hair clips and necklace | handmade earrings, choker, and bracelets | Twinkle Kitty Boutique bracelets |

This picture says exactly how I feel about this dress and this coord.

It's a burger. On a lolita dress. What will be the next bit of dumb nonsense to capture my heart like this?

In the end I wore a slightly different outfit to the anniversary meetup since it was definitely too warm for a jacket and I stubbornly stuck with wanting to do tricolour. But screw that, the look that I did wear was super cute, super comfortable, and I got to be extra iconic by eating a burger whilst wearing a burger dress (no messy accidents either!). This fast food piece of nonsense was a big winner and so was the meetup where we gathered round for a private screening of Kamikaze Girls. I can’t even remember when was the last time I saw that film, but I still love it and plenty of new little details were discovered. (If you want some to keep an eye out for during your next viewing, look out for either the original Usakumya or for Enchantlic Enchantilly’s designer, Fumiko-san.)

The things that I will do for aesthetic. Although I also just wanted a burger.


Coords 5-7: A Trio from Travelling

A 3-in-1 deal, go to the post for more details!

I have written more about these three coords in this month’s No Buy Support Challenge post, so make sure to go over there for details and more thoughts on them.


Coord 8: Fantasy Foret Day 1

| L’Esprit de la Noblesse La Bibliotheque JSK | offbrand top and brooch | amavel Cardigan | Innocent World Short Boots OTKs | Elf Armorie Cupid’s Heart shoes | Cutie Creator headbow | Vanyar Wig | Fantastic Grim Jewelry necklace | Enchantlic Enchantilly Queen Cat Secret Library ring | Amadea Kingdom The Adventurer D20 brooch |

My library may not be that large, but that doesn't mean that I can't be its custodian in the most fashionable sense.

Channelling some of this scholarly mood right here.

Whilst this outfit has not changed since the initial plans, it has grown with accessories and final styling. And I am so pleased with how it came out, every element did exactly what I had hoped it would: the colours worked together beautifully, there was enough detail without pushing it into the OTT territory, and the whole thing was comfortable enough to wear all day. Because with my panel not starting until 5pm my time, I had a good few hours to spare, so being comfy was important. The panel went so well too, I am still on a slight high from that, I managed not to trip over my words too much and everyone in the livestream chat was so lovely and positive, it actually makes me want to cry happy tears! I tuned in to Fluffy Kawaii Jo’s and Jenna’s (Lovely Lace and Lies) panels before mine, since panic mode of not wanting to miss my slot kicked in just like that pre-departure be-at-the-airport-3-hours-in-advance mood, and watching those helped me relax a little. If you caught my panel live, thank you again so much, it means the world. If you did not and would like to catch up on it, I believe that you can still watch it on Twitch whilst we wait for the recording to move to YouTube (and I can’t remember if it will be on my channel or Rose Foret’s, so maybe keep an eye on both).


Coord 9: Fantasy Foret Day 2

| Metamorphose Classical Sister OP | AatP Arabesque OTKs | Elf Armorie Cupid’s Heart shoes | AatP Sheherazade headdress | Tiny Passerine Creations The Duchess’ Tea earrings | offbrand necklace | handmade belt and ring | vintage brooch | Brightlele wig |

This necklace has lived with me for probably twelve-ish years now and if this isn't the first time I've worn it myself (other than trying it on), then it's definitely the second. I swear to God, Indian bridal jewellery still has a hold over me, that stuff is what OTT magpie's dreams are made of!

The thing that started it all.

Then came the tea party. The coord is one that I put together in flatlay form first to demonstrate the points I was making in the panel about coordinating with not a main piece as a starting point, and this is the final look. Nothing changed from the flatlay itself, just like in the coord above, so it’s just a flatlay vs worn differences with some styling. I did contemplate the ginger wig, since it still had the braids I added back for the AYWi30C #24 lookbook and braids feel very dwarven, but the colour wasn’t working with the dress. So the bushy ashy blonde wig it was because the volume of it also felt very dwarven. As a “fantasy hipster”, i.e. someone who’s against elves just because everyone else likes them so much (and I admit, when I play fantasy RPG games, my race of choice is always humans), for the Fantasy Foret tea party I tried to channel some dwarven aesthetic. Across the various lores they have a pretty cool look, very easy to embellish with gold, and I feel like they don’t get enough love. So with this chain of office worn as a belt as my starting point, I put together the whole coordinate using the gold x wine colour scheme and the geometric shapes as my main running themes. I explained the various elements of the coord a little bit more in the panel, if you fancy watching that, this is just the gist.

The tea party itself was really nice - I got outnumbered by the Americans, which I guess I should’ve expected given that my time slot was 6pm UK time and the majority of the audience for Rose Foret's events are Americans. I enjoyed it though, met people I wouldn’t have otherwise met from the wider lolita community (and in the process discovered that one of them is in my own comm’s group - we really are a small community even by worldwide standards!), and everyone was so sweet. Keeping the tea party quite structured and moderated was a very good idea on the part of the organisers: it meant that time flew whilst having fun and without any awkward pauses to disrupt the flow. I would definitely love to do more of those, but the reality is that a 6pm Sunday slot is not ideal for my lifestyle and with my current job demands, so hopefully there will be better alternatives in the future.


Coord 10: Fisherman’s Friends

| Violet Fane Charming Town skirt | offbrand top and shoes | Hell Bunny cardigan | Innocent World Anchor OTKs | Naked Lace Company barrette | Dear Celine badge |

I contemplated adding a necklace, but didn't have the time/energy before rushing out of the door, since I was in the office that morning.

A sign to represent the state of my emotional energy throughout most of the month. That I managed this much is a miracle.

A very slightly modified version of what I originally planned, with the changes being made mostly for comfort reasons. The bulk of the outfit remained the same and I am very happy with how it worked out, the skirt carried those navies and the sailor vibes precisely in the way I’d hoped it would. Charming Town seaside edition when? The musical was also really cute, very wholesome, though I am currently upset that there isn’t an official cast recording because Parisa Shahmir has a wonderful voice and I want to listen to two of her solo songs on repeat. Pretty please, someone?


Not to be the meme of “me on September 30th vs me on October 1st”, but I am surprised at myself at how much I have planned for the upcoming month and how much of it will be at least a teensy bit spooky. Though I also want to catch up on just being seasonally autumnal before it gets proper miserable. So here’s to that. September has ended, I have woken up and can’t wait for what’s coming!

23 Sept 2022

No Buy Support Wardrobe Challenge: 1 Piece, Casual & Fancy

What better time to showcase that a single item can handle both casual and fancy than travelling? Since I was going up to my parents’ for a weekend, I made it a point to only bring one dress with me and do some different looks with it. This means that you’re getting three coords in this post instead of just two, just to be a little bit extra. And let’s be honest, both of those casual coords were put together using not only the dress as a starting point, but also trying to reduce my “too good for laundry, not good enough to be put back into the wardrobe” pile. If that’s not the definition of casual, then you out there are doing casual in a very fancy way!

Friday: Casual

| Chrysanthemum’s Concerto The First Semester JSK | The Seamstress of Bloomsbury Jive blouse | Amavel cardigan | offbrand tights, shoes, and barrette |

The weekend started with working from home and then travelling. As such the coord is on the very simple side as far as accessories go (there is only the barrette clip at the back of my head). Yet looking back at the pictures, it doesn’t feel overly simplified. The crochet-esque texture of the cardigan adds a lot of visual interest, while the pops of a lighted colour lift what would otherwise be a pretty dark look. Overall, whilst this isn’t a look that I could write forever about, I like it a lot, it was cute as well as comfortable, and it’s certainly far from boring.

Saturday: Fancy

| Chrysanthemum’s Concerto The First Semester JSK | Innocent World Rose Lace Millefeuille bolero | AatP Lace-Up Ribbon OTKs | Cutie Creator headbow | Rose of Sharon brooches | offbrand blouses and shoes |

The toss up between a selfie from Newby Hall's library and my Mum's balcony was a hard pick.

Gotta wear flowers to a flower show.

You would’ve seen a rough (very rough) collage of this in an earlier blog post when it was still in planning stages. Though of the looks featured there, this one was the most ready to go and the final version hasn’t so much had any changes as just two minor tweaks.

Is this the most OTT coord possible with this dress? No, probably not. However, this is the level of fancy that this dress pulls off very comfortably. Moreover, it’s fancy enough to feel special for going out to a flower show at a stately home, whilst remaining practical enough for walking around said show in early autumn. It certainly garnered a sizable handful of compliments from other attendees and staff. What makes it fancy in my opinion is the amount of detail added between relatively few pieces: the textural differences between the mesh blouse and smooth fabrics of the dress and the bolero; the layers of lace added by the bolero; patterned legwear; the brooches; a more prominent headpiece which also adds another texture through the velvet fabric…

And in case the photos above aren’t conveying that quite clearly enough (which let’s face it, with the dim light in that room the collage isn’t the clearest), here are some shots from the flower show itself which are a bit clearer and more colour-accurate.

Cinderella's flowery/pumpkin-y carriage was all that a girl could wish for.

Caught in the act, lolita edition.

Sunday: Casual

| Chrysanthemum’s Concerto The First Semester JSK | Angelic Pretty Logo Embroidered Turtleneck cutsew | offbrand socks, shoes, barrette, and brooch |

Back to comfortable and casual coords, but this time with a bit more colour introduced to it. While the first look was casual in terms of colour palette and making up the difference in detail with some textures, the second casual look is pretty bare on textures and fuller on interesting colours. Sadly the brooch isn’t the most visible item there, you can just about make it out to fill out the emptier space across my neckline. Though my favourite element here are probably the socks, which tie that red turtleneck into the whole coord instead of making it seem randomly plucked out of thin air (or in this case, my “too good for laundry” pile). It is arguably the most casual of the three here, the first one could pass for a low-key meetup, whereas this one is a bit closer to the “I have to be clothed for the supermarket” kind of casual.

As a firm believer in buying things that are as versatile as you need them to be (and in my case, the need is fairly strong), I am always making things multitask. Sure, not every single main piece out there is meant to be super fancy or super casual, which is equally important to recognise. With enough effort, it’s possible to force them into the opposite boxes, but that’s more a case of proving a point for the sake of it. Still, a good majority of my main pieces can handle being dressed up and down in equal measures. Like the introduction says, travelling is a pretty extreme way of showcasing that, though also one of the most realistic by virtue of only being able to bring so much. At least to me it felt a more accurate representation of a dress being worn both casually and in a fancy way as opposed to putting outfits purely to meet the prompt. After all, isn’t the point of the no buy challenge to help us actually wear what we own?

16 Sept 2022

Time for a No Buy?

The concept of a no buy is as familiar to lolitas (at least in theory) as the concept of a haul. Through individual or wider circumstances we find ourselves in a position where maintaining the level of spending that we have had up until then is no longer possible. We are looking at some bleak times ahead economically, which may seem to be hitting extra hard because we have the added layer of living in post-traumatic times of maximalism.

I’m with you there - I was so looking forward to having more spending money when I started a new role and now I’m feeling pretty gloomy realising how much of that will be eaten by the cost of simply existing. My vision was to be That Girl: the one who buys more expensive things as an investment in quality and sustainability, who supports local businesses on a regular basis whilst indulging herself, who (once the world allows) jet sets to places not yet visited to expand her horizons, who takes care of her physical and mental health more. Not that this will be entirely impossible, but the anxiety of having to afford to live as I have up until now (i.e. entirely independently) is a lot and it pushes all those other things into the background.

Image by maitree rimthong on Pexels.com.

What an optimistic start to a post, I know. But as tougher times call for tougher measures, I have found myself having to get on that no buy bandwagon. Armed with the knowledge of what I am like, it was obvious that this couldn’t be just some vague “no buying outside my wish/need/replace list”. The rules needed to be as airtight as possible to prevent falling back onto convenient loopholes. And since my position is not unique and not everyone has enough understanding of both financial responsibility and behavioural psychology to create a no buy plan that will work for them, hopefully my sharing what I plan on doing will help others figure out how to prepare themselves for a Winter/Summer of Frugality (depending on which half of the globe you reside in).

The Overview

My idea of a sustainable set of no buy rules involves three main concepts: the rules themselves, the coping strategies, and consequences, all adhering to principles of specificity and accountability. Anyone considering going on a no buy will know why they should - but oftentimes our good intentions and motivations may not hold up to the power of temptation or be made to withstand unexpected circumstances. In the past people would just be told that they’re not trying hard enough, but not everyone finds that kind of harsh talk effective. Whilst I encourage everyone to really reflect on why they are embarking on a no buy, since digging deep for reasons will help you find strong enough solutions, I acknowledge that this degree of introspection can be upsetting sometimes. However deeply you’re prepared to look at your reasons, as long as you approach your set of no buy rules with honesty about what works for you, not what some random guide online says you should be doing, you’re giving yourself the best chance of succeeding.

The Rules

My set of rules is not necessarily long, but it is very explicit and very specific. It starts off with acknowledging that a complete and total no buy is not a sustainable option for me right now. It works for some people. For me this would just be a waiting game of what will it take for me to break. So instead of making a rule that I’m not allowed to buy anything, I categorised my non-essential spendings into three main groups (lolita clothes, other fashion, and miscellaneous consumables). Each of them has a clearly designated spending source, i.e. a pot of money dedicated for those things, and a timeframe of how long the rules are in place for. They also each include a list of what is allowed and when (i.e. immediately, after waiting, how long the waiting period should be etc.), how that applies to specific shopping circumstances (online vs in person), and whether there are any exceptions to these rules (wishlists, replacements, types of purchases etc.).

On top of this, I have devised two flow tests which apply to the vast majority of the purchases that I would expect to make. These aren’t novel ideas, the first one has been only slightly adapted from Money Saving Expert’s pocket guide, yet having them in this very visual format will really help with decision making. Feel free to download my copies and modify them to your needs, as I said, it’s not exactly copyrightable material anyway.

Flow test 1

Flow test 2 (click to enlarge)

With all of these rules in place, as explicit and specific as possible, I was able to establish a solid foundational framework. It captures the kind of shopper that I am and directs my focus to the type of person that I want to be/the kind of clothes that I want to wear. But just understanding what I want isn’t enough to actually realise that. What rules like these do is establish the vision that I want to live up to. I’m still only human, that vision can be shaken or even ruined by a single lapse or by circumstances that I fail to address appropriately instead of with retail therapy. This is where the other two concepts, of coping strategies and consequences, come in.

The Coping Strategies

Earlier on I mentioned behavioural science. It’s not a topic that I claim to be an expert on, but through personal growth that I’ve been undergoing over the course of this year anyway I picked up a thing or two. The key one that applies here is the idea of making desirable habits easier to do and the undesirable ones - harder. To use a simple example, if one’s goal is to eat less junk food, then getting rid of any junk food from your house makes it harder to eat junk food (since now it involves going out to get some). And if one’s goal is to drink more water, then having a water bottle next to you from the moment you wake up makes that easier by placing it within reach.

I’ve tried to adopt that kind of mindset to my list of coping strategies to make not buying things easier and giving in to temptations harder. At the time of writing I haven’t gone down some of the more radical steps like unfollowing the various sources of lolita updates on social media. Instead I’ve opted for approaches that recognise that fashion is something that I enjoy and want to engage in, just in a more limited way: disabling pictures in emails, limiting when I am allowed to browse sales sites (both second hand and brand new), and using browser extensions that limit access to certain sites are the main ones for now.

In addition, I have identified some situations when I am more likely to window and impulse shop. Once again, specificity is key, which for me means no browsing after 10pm and absolutely no window shopping when I am stressed. Boredom and self-medicating through retail therapy are probably way too common for a lot of us, so by making those situations off limits and finding other ways to entertain myself or relax should ensure that I avoid falling into the old traps.

The Accountability Factor

Last but certainly not least, having a set of rules and coping strategies is not going to work for me if there is no accountability factor in that. This may be something that others find very relatable, as ultimately a lot of us stick to rules better when we feel like it’s not just us who know about them. Of course, you can go full on accountability buddy with a spray bottle if this is realistic for you (I imagine that would work great with someone you live with since they will physically and pretty immediately see you buy/receive stuff), but it doesn’t have to be that much. Over the years I’ve found that I respond well just to things being written down, so spreadsheets formed to be trackers are often enough for me, and for this set of no buy rules I have expanded my set of trackers to include more information.

But accountability isn’t just about being watched - it’s also about having a real set of consequences. If nothing happens when I break the no buy, then sooner or later it stops feeling like it matters and old bad habits creep back in. At the same time, not spending isn’t really motivation enough in itself (not unless you’re saving for something specific, which I am not, my goal is to limit my spending overall), so a reward system would equally go a long way to help me stick with this. My solution was to put two additional strategies, a ‘punishment’ for breaking the no buy and a ‘reward’ for successfully sticking to it each month. This is on top of finding a safe outlet to discuss my feelings about this no buy with a group of people who I can trust to support me in this endeavour - because sometimes just hearing someone else say that you’re doing well or that they believe in you is enough to make you want to not disappoint them.

Rewarding god behaviours is how you keep good behaviours.
Also, I just wanted to include this cute pupperinho.
Photo by Cup of Couple on Pexels.com.

In Summary

For the time being these no buy rules are being put in place until the end of this calendar year. There will be enough spending temptations during that time to test how well they are working and at the same time it’s a short enough period of time that if I do slip up somewhere, I can hopefully review it quickly enough and make amendments to start from the new year, a historically more common time for implementing changes. Also, by starting this no buy now it not only should become a firm habit by the time the ‘New Year New Me’ season rolls around, but it will also help alleviate the financial pressure of some of the most expensive times in the Northern Hemisphere (i.e. winter and Christmas).

All throughout this post I’ve been talking about my no buy rules in mostly broad, generic terms in order to give ideas that could work for anyone. However, if anyone is interested in seeing the actual list of rules that I have devised for myself, then I made the Google Doc available to view through this link here. Just like with the flow tests earlier, feel free to copy the ideas that you think could work for you, these are not in any way copyrighted and a few have been pinched from suggestions made by others anyway. All of us who are in hobbies and communities like lolita fashion are in it because, ultimately, we enjoy buying clothes as well as wearing them, so having a set of mechanisms to control our spending without going cold turkey is a gentler way to engage with this hobby in a more financially responsible way. Best of luck to everyone else out there who is also starting a no buy - we can do it!

9 Sept 2022

Planning September Outfits

Somehow every autumn and winter I get into this state where I suddenly have a lot more occasions to dress up. With life continuing to be hectic, a bit of planning goes a long way - and surely everyone involved in any kind of fashion enjoys a bit of outfit planning, right? So for a chill post I thought I’d do some outfit planning for this month. Set your expectations to low when it comes to collages for we are in Lazy Hours!

Image by Bich Tran on Pexels.com

Coord 1: A lolita anniversary meet

| Summer Fairy Limited Menu JSK | BtSSB OTKs | Angelic Pretty Twinkle Sky headbow | everything else is offbrand |

Limitations: public transport
Venue: indoors, private

So initially I was going to put something together with my very first lolita dress, since the meetup celebrates a fellow comm mod’s lolita anniversary. Styling your very first piece seems appropriate for an occasion like this, right? But then the dumb burger dress, otherwise known as Summer Fairy’s Limited Menu JSK, arrived on my doorstep. And I can’t just not wear it! This is just something super quick and basic, it may even end up being too warm for the bomber jacket, but given how soon this is and that this is this dress’ first outing, there really is no point in overthinking it. If anything changes, you’ll see it in the coords roundup post at the end of the month.

Coord 2: Harrogate Flower Show

| Chrysanthemum's Concerto The First Semester JSK | offbrand blouse and shoes | Innocent World Rose Lace Millefeuille bolero | AatP Lace-Up Ribbon OTKs | Rose of Sharon hair clip |

Limitations: travelling, walking, packing
Venue: outdoors

For my Mum’s birthday Dad and I are taking her to the Harrogate Flower Show, which obviously calls for something floral or botanical. At the same time, since I’ll be travelling over, I don’t want to pack anything too high maintenance. My thoughts wandered towards the possibility of wearing The First Semester JSK in an all-green coord, but a light vs dark green rather than a completely monochrome. Plus, should the weather be doing something less convenient, this can be easily modified to layer up, layer down, change the shoes, whatever.

Coord 3: Fantasy Foret Saturday

| L'Esprit de la Noblesse La Bibliotheque JSK | offbrand blouse | Amavel cardigan | Innocent World Short Boots OTKs | Elf Armorie Cupid's Heart shoes | Cutie Creator headbow | Vanyar wig |

Limitations: headset (maybe)
Venue: home

I’ll be taking part in Rose Foret’s online event called Fantasy Foret (and hopefully I’ll soon have more details to share, so stay tuned). I don’t necessarily have a lot of very fantasy-themed pieces, and Saturday will be of the more panel-based variety, which means putting comfort ahead of fanciness. Fancy will be reserved for Sunday, though I can’t really share that outfit with you here. Therefore I turned to look at my wardrobe and landed on La Bibliotheque with what is hopefully a custodian of fantasy knowledge kind of look. This is the biggest work in progress of this lot, so if you are interested in how this turns out, definitely make sure to come back at the end of the month for what will be a final reveal.

Coord 4: Fishermen’s Friends musical

| Violet Fane Charming Town skirt | Fi.n.t. cutsew | Hell Bunny cardigan | Innocent World Anchor OTKs | offbrand shoes and beret | Imerial Fiddlesticks Emporium headbow |

Limitations: work on the same day (likely at the office), travelling
Venue: theatre, indoors but public

Ok, I could’ve done sailor lolita with anything, but I haven’t tried it yet with Charming Town and I think that could be really stinkin’ cute. Especially since the Charming Town print feels very appropriate for a musical about a small fishing village. The quaint vibes meet the marine themes, plus perfectly comfortable for a working day - a winner on all fronts!

Bonus coord

| Bodyline L380 skirt | Yilia blouse | MuFish tights | Deary heels | Cutie Creator headbow |

This was going to be worn for a Discord hangout, which I didn’t really make (well, I made it for like 10 minutes in goblin mode, so it doesn’t count). But it’s always good to have a backup option or a coord already waiting just for whenever. This will be that coord. Probably with some extra faffing around the waistline, but we’ll see once this is on a body and not just in theory.


You can’t say I didn’t warn you about the lazy collages. But hopefully you enjoyed this post despite them. Preparation is this month’s theme for Bibliotheca’s bloggers, so if you aren’t subscribed to the Bibliotheca newsletter, make sure that you do to catch every other kind of preparing that will be taking place this September. Now if you’ll excuse me, I actually have some more planning of other varieties to do!