Dinner and cocktails meet

9 years ago

Saturday was devoted to a small and casual meet up in Leeds, mainly focused around an early dinner and some cocktails. Because of how my boyfriend works, I didn’t know if I could go to this one until a fair bit later, but I’m very glad that I could make it in the end.

| Metamorphose Shirring Tiered Ribbon JSK | Innocent World
Torchon Crown Embroidery Blouse | Bodyline S522 shoes |
Angelic Pretty Dolly Chiffon headbow | offbrand socks and
jewellery |

Selfie with a better view of some of my accessories.

I ended up with a somewhat Oldschool-ish coord, although that was mostly accidental. I wanted to wear this JSK from Metamorphose temps de fille because: a) it’s comfy as hell; b) it’s comfy as hell thanks to full shirring, which means I could comfortably eat however much I wanted; and c) a plain colour dress, even with this many frills, felt more casual, although in retrospect it still looks pretty dressy. After working up quite a sweat ironing it (bloody hell, that bottom tier seemed never-ending) I proceeded to actually putting together an outfit and realised that none of my shades of sax match this one. In truth, I realised that none of my shades of sax match each other, but that’s a minor detail. I might have to do a more serious re-evaluation of all my sax items at some point.

We had dinner at Las Iguanas, a restaurant and cocktail bar serving Latin American cuisine. I’ve had a look at their menu before, so I already knew what I was going to order (cue food photos), although thanks to one of the Lolitas having lived in Brazil for a while, I also had the pleasure of discovering Pao de Queijo, that is Brazilian cheese bread. Honestly, she had me at “cheese” and “bread”, but then I tried it – and angels have sung from above! This is some seriously delicious stuff, I already told myself that I’ll attempt to make it from scratch, since I like baking bread.

Vegetarian Moqueca de Palmitos
(a sort of coconut curry with palm hearts)

Dulce de leche macadamia cheesecake <3

It was such a pleasant evening in really great company. Smaller meets like this definitely make it easier to talk to everyone at least a little and get to know your comm better. There were seven of us, myself included, and with five of us going to at least one day of Wicked and Whimsy in London at the end of the month (and two even being involved in organising and running the event), the conversation naturally kept going back to that topic and how excited we were about it. I honestly can’t wait, my excitement is like a pot of boiling water, constantly bubbling and wanting to get out whenever and however possible. This will be epic, I know it!



  1. That sounds like a very tasty meetup! I find it funny, being a Mexican Lolita, that Lolitas in Europe meet at a Latin American restaurant while here we try to find the most European-like places for our meetups!

    1. Haha, I bet that for you this must be odd how people somewhere far off in England are so amazed by food which to you is something everyday. But then again, even for Lolitas the same kind of afternoon tea can get boring if that's all you ever do. Variety is the spice of life and it's nice to shake things up. But then ever since I grew out of being a childishly picky eater, I love discovering new dishes, I think that the national dishes say a lot about the countries that they originate from, if you only stop to really analyse it. If you have any recommendations or favourites from Mexican cuisine, I'd love to hear. :D

    2. Indeed! Whenever I travel somewhere, be it another state or country, I always set out to try the local dishes that I can't get where I live. Isn't it the foreignness that draws us to certain things, after all? I think that might be why I'm so interested in old European etiquette! As for Mexican cuisine, some of my favourites are Cochinita Pibil, Consomé de Borrego (it is quite different from what you get if you Google-search Lamb Consommé), and Huevos Rancheros (my favourite breakfast dish, especially the sauce and rice). I hope you may have the chance to try them!

    3. Exactly. If I wanted to eat food that I'm familiar with, I don't need to go anywhere for that (other than the nearest supermarket). Although I'm not sure how much of that old European etiquette has survived in everyday life, I think you might have to go to really fancy and posh places to see that. Though you can still add bits of it to your everyday lifestyle, which is what Lolita lifestyle is about. :)
      I'll look up recipes for these and hopefully will be able to make them. And when I do, I'll let you know my thoughts. :)

  2. This sounds like my idea of a great meet! I love the dress you chose for the occasion, and your glasses really work well with your coordinates!
    I've been meaning to try Las Iguanas for the longest time but keep forgetting. I'm glad to hear that it's worth checking out ^_^

    1. Definitely would love to have more meets like this one, it was so much fun! And thank you, I think I managed by to take that selfie in a way that really shows off their nice shape.
      Las Iguanas is very lovely. Maybe get your friends and go together? :)


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