7 years ago

Lolita and the Oscars

I was going to post the first of my unboxings from this weekend, however, I’m having problems with my laptop, so this will have to wait,...
7 years ago

Tulle Magazine Review

It’s great to know that while 2017 was the year when GLB and KERA stopped publishing a physical magazine, it was also the year many new pub...
7 years ago

Coord Catchup

Phew, all the New Year stuff is behind us now, things have calmed down over here, we can finally get on with life as normal. Because t...
7 years ago

2018 Wishlist

As someone who enjoys being organised and organising things, I like periodically looking through my wishlist and see if anything has chang...
7 years ago

2018 Lolita Goals

Here we are again. I like evaluating how far I’ve come in Lolita fashion through these little goals I set myself, although the longer I’m ...
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