1 Dress 4 Looks Take 27

6 years ago

No, you are not seeing double. This was posted before - by accident. It was scheduled for this time, but as I tinkered with some of the posts, the scheduled date must’ve changed. So if you’re seeing this again, my apologies.

It took me until after I got this dress to realise that Royal Unicorn was on display at Angelic Pretty Kanazawa when I started my study abroad year there. And other people’s pictures and closeups to make me want to get it myself. I remember that it wasn’t even that long between me deciding to add this release to my wishlist and actually getting it. So far I’ve only worn it once, because I saved it for Myths of Our Own, but I definitely can’t wait to do more with this dress and had fun trying to come up with some looks for it now.

Look 1: Soft

| New Look blouse | BtSSB Forever Enchanted Midnight Spell bolero | Angelic Pretty Romantic Angel OTKs | Dreamy Bows headband | offbrand shoes and brooch |
This blouse, bolero and socks combo is a bit of my pink go-to. The very soft tones of the dress lend themselves well to pairing with pinks for that slightly more feminine look. I also like how the pattern on the OTKs and the bolero work with the pattern on the JSK’s skirt.

Look 2: OTT

| Millefleurs Georgette blouse | Angelic Pretty Harlequinade OtKs | Triple Fortune bonnet | indie necklace | vintage belt | Irregular Choice Total Freedom heels |
A slightly updated/different take on my outfit from Myths, although it may be hard to tell. That’s because in Dublin I wore a bolero all day, hiding this gorgeous blouse and how perfectly it matches the sax on the dress (as well as I had the collar lace tucked in). Although the sax on the bonnet is more saturated than on the blouse, I’m hoping that with the socks and necklace it’s enough to justify it being there.

Look 3: Chocolate

| Axes Femme blouse | Innocent World Lauretta OTKs | Sosic Shop heels | Angelic Pretty Chess Emblem brooch | Wonderbox Designs rosette | offbrand beret |
It’s a fact that ivory and brown work really well together – especially this one because it is a very brown-toned shade of ivory. The dark shade of the blouse really makes all the gold accents pop more. A simple outfit like this would be great for a relaxed meetup or maybe even a solo outing somewhere.

Look 4: Royal Unicorn

| Infanta overblouse | Innocent World Origa OTKs | Innocent World shoes | Angelic Pretty Royal Unicorn headbow | Ebony and Ivory clip | Puvithel necklace | Angelic Pretty Royal Unicorn necklace | Wicked and Whimsy ring | Angelic Pretty Crystal Dream Carnival ring | 4 Aces ring |
Lastly is another look somewhat inspired by what I wore in Dublin – this time taking the reds as a feature instead of the blues. I am very fond of ivory/cream outfits with pops of red as an accent colour. Whilst more mature style of heels would’ve worked better, that Puvithel necklace is so shiny and sparkly that I end up looking at that instead of the shoes.

Four more outfits and still I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of what I could do with this dress. Although having said this, most of my ideas revolved around pretty much the same colour schemes (sax, wine and ivory), just with different pieces. Maybe I should’ve pushed myself a bit more to try something new here – maybe see if I could work some navy into this? Let’s leave that for the future!


  1. Oh my goodness, you're just making me love this dress even more! That OTT look is absolutely spectacular, and even though I'd never have thought red would be great with this print it totally is.

    1. I love this dress with red, I think it works because wine red and gobelin fabrics both have that royal feel to them. <3


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