Chill Weekend of Frills

6 years ago

So, this weekend ended up being a lot more frilly than I had originally planned. All thanks to the weather improving – bloody finally!

| Alice and the Pirates Sheherazade ~ One Thousand and One Nights ~ JSK I | Lady Sloth Glitter Mesh blouse | Angelic Pretty Brigitte Regiment OTKs | Hush Puppies boots | After Midnight Beret | Wicked and Whimsy ring | Star Glazed Delights Brand Whore ring | Innocent World Moon and Star Pearl necklace | vintage brooch | offbrand earrings |

I have new blush and highlighter sticks from Colourpop and am obsessed with them (particularly the highlighter, which shows absolutely not at all on any of my pictures).

I'm enjoying doing more detail shots so that you can actually see my accessories.

Those rings are everything!

On Saturday I went out to see Toy Story 4. In the absence of a toy inspired coord, I finally wore this number that I put together in the last Lolidrobe Reassessment post – I really liked that idea and didn’t want it to go to waste. The weather was also just about ideal for it, so I didn’t need any additional layers. I kept makeup very bare, basically just concealer, blush and highlight, because I knew that I’d be crying a lot at the film.

And cry I did! I absolutely enjoyed the film, it was fantastic and gave me all the feels that I needed. Bo Peep is a disabled, feminist icon, her plotline got me very excited, though the whole film was thoroughly enjoyable. I’d definitely recommend that.

After the film I met up with my Mum and we did some shopping. I had changed the boots into more practical shoes, given how much walking we’d be doing, though have no pictures of that. We both needed to get some bits in town and I’m surprised at how efficient we managed to be at getting them. Normally, while I only go in for what I need, since I don’t like shopping centres, my Mum has a tendency to meander, so it was nice that this time we did it my style. Her doing some shopping before meeting up with me might have had something to do with that though…

We grabbed some lunch at McDonalds, like the classy gals that we are. They are having their annual Great Tastes of America limited edition burgers right now and we both went for the Kansas City Stack, which was very nice. Of course, I like barbecue sauce, so I’m biased, but it was genuinely enjoyable and if this was on the menu permanently, I might even consider changing my go-to for this.

Isn't this the quality content that you come here for? 


And then on Sunday a friend organised a lolita meetup in lieu of the International Pink Day. So of course the theme was Make It Pink and thanks to the weather warming up I was able to actually do a pink outfit (my previous plan was to go with red, since pink is just a shade of red).

| Metamorphose Polka Dots Shirring Pinafore JSK | Metamorphose/Crown Label cutsew | Alice and the Pirates Poison de l'Amour OTKs | Metamorphose shoes | Angelic Pretty Logo Ribbon Charm wrist cuffs | Angelic Pretty Milky Candy brooch | Angelic Pretty Fancy Soda ring | BtSSB Merry Sweet Cake ring | Star Glazed Delights Brand Whore ring | Cutie Craze Cafe ice cream ring | Twinkle Kitty Boutique ring | Sel et Sucre whipped cream barette | Sweet Dolly House Cookie Bear hairpins | Claire's accessories clips | X Kawaii Cutie X whipped cream earrings | Dalao Home Eudora wig |

There was even more highlighter in this look and yet again none can be seen. At least you can sort of make out my aegyo sal makeup.

The JSK pattern actually showed up through the cutsew ever so slightly. However, a friend just thought that I was incredibly well coordinated and wore a bra that matched my skirt!

Other people struggle to match their pinks. Mine somehow just ended up matching without me trying.

But then again, I had like seven different shades of pink in my rings alone!

This time I remembered outfit no 3 from the 26th edition of the 1 Dress 4 Looks. However, since I wear this skirt a lot (and also could not be bothered to iron it), I swapped it for the JSK. Wearing the cutsew on top of the JSK worked really well and I thought that since I’m wearing pink, I might as well go all out and pulled out almost all the pink things I own. This was also my first time doing the aegyo sal style makeup, which I really enjoyed, and first time wearing one of my new Dalao Home wigs. I can now confirm that these are very comfortable, I wore it all day without any problems and whatever got a little messy from the wind brushed out easily at the end of the day back into its silky smooth glory.

The meet took place in York and we went for lunch at Ippuku. There were more of us than I anticipated, 11 in total, so most of us preordered some food to help the staff at the restaurant. I got a Mapo Aubergine Donburi because I’m a twit and I forget that donburi is actually way more filling than the set, despite being cheaper. So I ended up not finishing it, because I really wanted those fluffy pancakes for dessert. It was all lovely though, as always!

Yet more of that quality food content that all lolitas share, whether it's kawaii or not.

The pancake was genuinely worth it and I am glad that I have finally managed to have one. 10/10 would eat again (if I had the room)!

We spent most of the day at Ippuku, given how long it took for them to serve such a large group. Afterwards we stopped very briefly at the Yorkshire Soap Co and Imaginarium – because are you even in York for a meet if you don’t? – before heading to the park to see the owls and take some pictures. I ended up not taking any over there – or any in general, besides the outfit pics and the food. I was fairly tired and we’ve been replacing the boiler at home, so was just dreaming of getting a hot bath. In the end I opted to leave a bit earlier, even though many stayed in York for some drinks, so that I could chill a bit at home before having to go back to work on Monday.

Still, I had loads of fun, as always, York remains my favourite place ever and I’m glad that I got to catch up with some friends I’ve not seen in a while, as well as meet some new faces. And I enjoyed being very pink – every typically sweet outfit draws me closer to embracing sweet more fully/openly/pastel-y. I reckon we’re not far off from me buying a pink main piece. :P


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! I really love that pink outfit on you too ^__^

    1. Thank you! It was definitely fun - and let's see if this one outfit will lead to more pink suddenly appearing in my wardrobe... :P


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